To access the Export Format configuration window, on the Configure tab of the LiveVox Portal, click Input / Output > Export Format

Select the editor and format you want to view/adjust, from the Editor and Format drop-down lists.

The Export Format window displays the following fields:

EditorEnables you to select the editor where the format will be available. Currently, you have three options; Agent, Contact, and Report Map.
FormatEnables you to select the required format for the selected editor.
Format Details
  • Format Id: The unique export format ID
  • Name: The name of the export format
  • Description: The description of the export format
  • Delimiter: The delimiter for export format 
  • Line Break: The line break style
  • Sort By Field: Defines how the results should be arranged in the export file.
  • Sort Order: Sets the sort results in Ascending or Descending.
  • Add Quotes To: Specifies which fields should be placed in quotes
  • Print Header: Indicates whether a header row is included in the export file.
Column Mapping Details
  • ID: The mapping ID
  • Field: The mapped field which represents a column in your export file.
  • Header: The header name assigned to the column.
  • Date Format: The date format applied to a field if any.
  • Number Format: The number format applied to a field.
  • Timezone: The time zone which applies on date or time fields.
  • Fixed Width Size: The fixed width size of the field if any.
  • Padding Chars: The number of padding characters if Fixed Width Size is configured.
  • Alignment: The alignment style of the column in the export file.
  • Order: The number which specifies the order of the column in the export file.

The Export Format window displays the following buttons:

Add MappingCreates a new mapping column. For more information, see Add Mapping.
Delete MappingDeletes the selected column mapping. For more information, see Delete Mapping.
Copy FormatCopies the selected format.
Add New FormatCreates a new format. For more information, see Create a New Export Format.
Delete FormatDeletes the selected format. For more information, see Delete an Export Format.
Save FormatSaves updates on the selected format.
CancelDiscards the changes.