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A policy is defined when the parameters for contacting customers are specified in LVP. You can create voice or SMS policies for each Profile in LVP by specifying the Country, State, Area Code, Day, Start Time, and End Time, Do Not Dial, and Do Not Leave Message parameters.  When you are defining policies, consider the following points:


  • If a policy does not exist for a country, state, or area code, the accounts associated with the region use the default dialing hours.
  • Call and SMS campaigns adhere to the ZIP code–area code mismatch logic.
  • Policies are considered when scheduling calls (including callbacks) or messages.
  • Policies do not apply to automated responses from contact flows.


  • If you want customers to be contacted by agents through calls only during the contact window specified in the policies, ensure that the Voice Compliance Enabled checkbox on the ACD Settings tab of the Services window for the required service is selected.


  • If you want customers to be contacted by agents through SMSes only during the contact window specified in the policies, ensure that the SMS Compliance Enabled checkbox on the ACD Settings tab of the Services window for the required service is selected. 
  • If the Contact Timing strategy (that is, Follow the Sun workflow) is enabled for a service associated with an outbound SMS campaign, the campaign adheres to the strategy.
  • SMSes initiated by agents ignore the ZIP code–area code mismatch logic.
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