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The ticket dashboard provides all statistics pertaining to tickets. You can filter the dashboard by segment, priority, label, type, and period.

The following table describes the statistics that appear in the Tickets Dashboard window.

Total TicketsTotal number of tickets.
Currently OpenTotal number of open tickets.
Completed TicketsTotal number of completed tickets.
Total RepliesTotal number of replies.
Customers HelpedTotal number of customers who were helped.
Contacts HelpedTotal number of contacts who were helped.
Completed Within SLA Limit

Total number of tickets that were addressed within the service level agreement (SLA) limit.

The SLA limit is determined by the ticket priority and is defined in the Priorities section on the Settings tab of the Ticketing Config window (for tickets that are not associated with accounts) and on the SLAs tab in the Accounts Config window (for tickets that are associated with accounts).

Exceeding SLA Limit

Total number of tickets that were not completed within the SLA limit.

This number also includes canceled tickets.

Approaching SLA (Within 20%)Total number of tickets that are neither canceled nor closed and are within 20% of the SLA limit.
Avg. First ResponseAverage duration of first response to tickets.
Avg. TicketsAverage number of tickets.
Avg. RepliesAverage number of replies.
VolumeVolume chart of tickets (total and completed).
Peak HoursPeak-hour chart of tickets.
Peak DaysPeak-day chart of tickets.
AgentsTop agents chart.
Agent TeamsTop agent teams chart.
TicketsTable of tickets.
  • No labels