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Use this module to trigger an email by voice or campaign. 

The email module includes an unsubscribe link and has an enhanced Email Editor that allows you to add HTML content to the email template that can be used in campaigns or by agents to send emails to customers. 

Message Properties

Display Name


Email From Address(mandatory) Sender's email address
Email Subject

(mandatory) Enter the email subject displayed to the recipient.

Email MessageOpens the Email Template editor that allows you to create the email message content using HTML.
Add Unsubscribe Link

(default true) Adds an unsubscribe link to the email message content which allows recipients of both mass and transactional emails to unsubscribe from the email distribution list.

Files to be AttachedAllows users to upload files and images. Images uploaded can be embedded in the email message content.

Advanced Properties

Display Name


Email Survey IDPlaceholder for a unique ID  generated when a customer responds to an email survey.


For information on the module connectors, see Understanding Connectors.

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