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Before You Begin

Ensure that you have one of the following LiveVox user roles: ManagerSuperuserSysadmin

You can switch the state of one or more agents who are logged in to the Agent Desktop to Ready or Not Ready. To do so:

  1. Access the voice monitor dashboard.

  2. In the tabular format of the Agents widget, in the rows displaying the names of the agents whose state you want to switch, select the checkboxes.

    If you want to switch the state of all the agents, select the checkbox in the column heading.

  3. As required, click the Ready icon Ready icon or the Not Ready icon Not Ready icon.
    The Agent Panel window appears. 

    • The Can Be Changed column indicates if you can switch the state of an agent. For a given agent, if this column does not contain a checkmark, you cannot switch the state of the agent.
    • When switching the state of the agents to Not Ready, the Reason Code field also appears in the Agent Panel window. This field contains the following options: BreakLunchMeetingOtherTech Difficulties, Training

  4. If you are switching the state of the agents to Not Ready, in the Reason Code field, select the reason for switching the state to Not Ready.
  5. Optional: In the Message To Agents field, enter your message to the agents, stating the reason for switching their state.

  6. Click Ok.
    A message appears to indicate if the state of the agents was switched.

    If you entered a message in the Message To Agents field, your message appears on the Agent Desktop of the agents, along with your name and the time that the state of the agents was switched.

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