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Navigate to the Profile editor by selecting Configure > Dialing Config > Profiles from the Navigation Panel.

All times displayed are Eastern Standard Time (EST).

The Profile editor main screen offers the following tabs and buttons:

  • Tabs
    • General –  Displays the collection of policies which comprise the selected profile.  The region (State and Area Code), period (Day or weekday/weekend), and restriction on dialing are listed in detail.
    • Associated Entities – Lists the services with the selected profile applied. The association is controlled in the Service editor and Client editor.
    • Change History – Displays change history on the selected profile.
    • Map –  Displays a visual representation of the selected profile.  Details for each region, based on the policies created, are available by mousing over the region.
  • Buttons
    • Add Policy – Creates a new policy within the dialing profile.
    • Delete Policy – Deletes the selected policy.
    • Copy Profile – Copies the selected dialing profile.
    • Add Profile – Adds a new dialing profile.
    • Delete Profile – Deletes the selected dialing profile.
    • Save Profile – Saves all changes on the selected dialing profile.
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