This feature provides an integrated consumer to Agent webchat solution. The LiveVox webchat includes the following enhancements:
- Easily embed LiveVox WebChat on any website that allows your customers to quickly initiate a chat with an agent
- WebChat can also be integrated with a plug and play chatbot
- WebChat can be configured to route to different Services and assigned to Agents that have Chat enabled
- WebChat can be enabled on any Service that an Agent logs into (excludes HCI or 10DMT clicker)
- All interactions are logged and associated to the account
- On the Agent Panel, Agents are able to receive up to a max of 5 concurrent chat in addition to Agent to Agent or Supervisor Chat
- If an account is provided by the consumer, an Agent is able to pull all the Contact details and Contact history by a click of a button
- If account is not provided by the consumer, an Agent is able to associate the chat conversation to an account or create a new one
- Agents are also able to select a predefined set of responses
- Once a chat is finished, an Agent can disposition the conversation to track any new activity to the Contact record
- Once enabled, WebChat can easily be configured by creating a new CallFlow with a Chat module and assigned to a Service
- Chat Token is the unique identifier that routes incoming chat to a Service. This is also what displays under Department selection on the Chat widget
- A WebChat CallFlow can also be configured to initially route to a ChatBot with escape key words
- Since CallFlow is utilized, you are able to create a dynamic ChatBot that can query values out of Contact Manager and create intelligent routing or other multi-channel actions (ie. Send an SMS or an Email)