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The Highlight widget displays the most pertinent information on every call and is placed at the top of the extended panel of the Agent Desktop. 

To add a widget:

  1. Select Highlight  from the available widgets section and click Add.
    The Add - Highlight Widget pop-up appears.
  2. Click the Add button to add fields and their values. The configuration screen displays three tabs which allow users to setup for the three different agent states:
    • In Call config
    • Ready config
    • Not Ready config

      • You can add up to six account fields on each state configuration.
      • When rendered in the widget these fields are displayed in the order they are shown in config, starting in the top left and then continuing to the left and down. 
  3. Click OK to save the changes.
  4. Click Save Agent Desktop button from the bottom of the screen to save all the changes.
  • No labels