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The Groups tab allows you to create, modify and delete contact groups within Contacts manager and allows you to define Contact Group as the source for Caller ID or Callback Number when creating a campaign out of Contacts manager. The Groups tab displays the following columns:

  • ID - Unique ID of the contact group
  • Group Name - The group name associated to the contact group.
  • Caller ID - Caller ID associated with the contact group.
  • Callback Number - Callback number associated with the contact group.
  • Email - Email ID associated with the contact group.
    Code - this field is reserved for future use
  • Created By - Displays the name of the user who created the contact group.
  • Modified By - Displays the name of the last user who modified the contact group attributes.

Contact groups support Caller ID, Callback Number and Email association when adding/creating a new contact group or editing an existing contact group. In addition to the phone number associations, each contact group shows all the Contacts associated to it as well as any Phone+Contact Group DNCs active in Phone DNC editor.

You can delete the Contact Group that is no longer associated with any entities within the platform (eg. Contacts, Phone, DND) by clicking the Delete button. 


To assign a contact to a group double click the contact within the Contacts manager and select a group from the Group drop down.


You have the ability to associate contact groups as the source for Caller ID or Callback Number when creating a campaign from Contacts manager. This gives the flexibility to pool agents together in one service or call center without having to worry about splitting campaigns based on different portfolios.

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