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To view a specific agent's details and dialing information:

  1. Access the voice monitor dashboard at the required level (that is, enterprise, call center, or service). 

  2. In the tabular view of the Agents widget, double-click the row displaying the name of the agent whose information you want to view.
    The Agent Detail window appears.

Agent Details

The Agent Detail tab of the Agent Detail window contains the following information:

  • Agent's profile picture
  • Logon ID
  • Name
  • State
  • Account
  • Service ID
  • Service Name
  • Customer Phone
  • Classification
  • Duration
  • Calls Received
  • Inbound Calls
  • Outbound Calls
  • Today's RPCs Graph
  • Today's Online Time Graph

The following tabs of the Agent Detail window contain reports specific to the agent:

In the Agent Detail window, administrative users can:

  • Establish an audio pathway by using the Connect button.
  • Listen to the agent's call, voluntarily participate in the call, guide the agent during the call by using the MonitorBarge, and Coach buttons, respectively. For more information, see 2021-10-17_03-33-01_Agent Monitoring Suite.
  • Modify the details of the agent.

  • No labels