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You can generate shift report that displays shift details, number of slots available for the shift and number of slots filled by each date.

  1. Navigate to the Reports tab.
  2. Select the Type of Report you want to generate from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select the Month from the drop-down menu to export report for a specific month.
  4. Filter the results of the report by selecting specific shifts under the Filter Shifts section. Select one or multiple agents (hold CTRL to select multiple) from the Shifts Available column and move them to Shift To Report column using the arrow buttons. The below screenshot shows the example of selecting multiple shifts.
  5. Filter the results of report by selecting specific agents under the Filter Agents section. Select the required shift from the Shifts Available column and move it the Shift To Report column by clicking on the forward arrow. The below screenshot shows the example of selecting multiple agents.

  6. Click the Download Report button to generate the report.
  7. The below screenshot shows the sample downloaded report.
  • You can Export the report and data to another file type by selecting a format from the drop-down menu (PDF, CSV, Excel) for storage and analysis.
  • Enable Include assignment comments to view the comments if any, in exported report.
  • If exported as a PDF file, you can view only 45 characters of the comment.
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