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Modifying a Termination Code

    • Select call center and service whose termination codes will be adjusted. Unattended or Message Only services do not need termination codes.

You can adjust the column width, as well as sort by column, on all sections of configuration tab with column and row display. To adjust the width, simply place the cursor on the side of the column's header; the cursor will change to display a tool to adjust the column width. To sort by column click on the header and the list will automatically be displayed in ascending order according the selected column.
    • Select the code you wish to change and double click on the row. You will be presented with the Termination Code screen that allows you to make changes to the existing attributes. Once selected attributes have been updated, select Ok.

    • This will highlight the row in green. If you want to proceed with the changes, select Save to save the changes or Cancel to discard the changes.

Deleting a Code from the List

    • Select the code you wish to remove and choose Remove, then choose Save to save the changes or Cancel to discard the changes.

Adding a Termination Code

    • Select Add.
    • You will be presented with the Termination Code screen that allows you to add termination code attributes.

  • Select Ok and then Save to add the code or Cancel to discard the changes.

  • Some changes to term codes (example: set the data to be automatically added to DNC) may require additional configuration by LiveVox.  Please e-mail or contact LiveVox support by phone to inquire about changes not covered in this document.
  • If a new term code requires assigning a "reporting outcome" that matches your system, please navigate to the Reporting Outcomes Mapper for further details.

Editing Termination Category

    • Select Edit Category.
    • You will be presented with the Termination Category screen that displays existing Category ID and Category Name.

    • Double clicking the category name allows to change it.

    • Select Add to create a new category name.
    • Select the category name you wish to remove and click Remove.
    • Make your changes and click Save or Close to exit.
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