- Created by Susheel Ashtaputre on Sept 13, 2024
Messages apply audio phrases and settings (via Properties) to the contact flow logic from which they are built. Go to Configure > Messaging > Contact Flow for adjusting the contact flow logic. Continue in this section for help with modifying the phrases or settings.
A service has only one message, but a message can be assigned to many different services. Adjusting a message can unintentionally impact many services, so cloning the message, updating audio, and assigning the new Message is often necessary.
You must create messages to introduce new phrases or test a change.
You can use the Filter option to filter messages if there are numerous messages in the Messages window. You can filter the messages based on the message ID, name, or contact flow name.
- Go to Configure > Messaging > Messages.
- Click Add. The Add New Message wizard appears.
- Specify the New Message Name and New Message Description (optional).
- Click Next to get the second screen (contact flow details) of the wizard.
- Use the Filter By drop-down menu to find contact flows. The available options are All, Name, Description, and Module.
- Select the contact flow template that you want to use from the Select the Contact Flow drop-down menu. The list of contact flows shows the name and its type (Standard (
) or custom (
)). Since the template defines both message and contact flow, the template determines how your calls are handled. Some of the frequently used templates are:
For Message Only logic, leaving messages on live party answers and/or answering machines.
- A_RPC_11
- For Right Party Connect logic, requiring the answering party to confirm their identity before the call will bridge to an agent.
- For Quick Connect logic, bridging answering parties immediately into agents.
- Will also be assigned to Manual services and as the Preview template.
- The Modules Assigned displays the module being used by the contact flow.
The Preview section provides a full-screen view of the contact flow.
For email contact flow, the Contact Flow details screen displays the Templates in the template selection instead of Modules Assigned and the template Preview instead of the contact flow Preview.
- Click Next to get the third (Summary) screen of the wizard. This screen displays the summary of the selection.
- Click Save to save changes.
- Assign phrases for each property. A property can be an instruction (requiring 1/0, a phone number, etc.) or an indicator for messaging. For instructions on adjusting the message, see the Edit Messages section below.
- After making your changes, click the Deploy button. Assign the template to the service and upload a test file to confirm the contact flow and audio match your requirement.
To edit an existing message, double-click the message row in the Messages window. The Edit Message window appears.
For information about common properties, see the Message Properties Supplemental page.
- Visual Tab: displays the contact flow of the selected message in a graphical form. This is a visual representation of the information from the General tab. You can navigate to the desired section of the contact flow and view the specific modules and connectors used to create the message. By clicking on a specific module, you can view the Properties, Message Properties, Contact Flow Properties, and Connectors for the module on the right panel. Double-click on a specific module to update Message Properties for the module.
- General Tab: displays a list of properties and their property value for the selected message. Clicking on the selected property allows you to update the property value.
- Associated Entities Tab: shows which services have the selected message assigned.
- Change History Tab: tracks and displays the changes made to the Messages.
- Raw Format Tab: displays the raw format of all of the messages available.
To edit the properties of individual message components:
- In the General tab, double-click the property value to be adjusted.
- If it is a phrase, the Phrase Selector window appears. Modify the existing phrase using the options in the Phrase Selector:
- Verbiage – Click to search for verbiage in the database and add it to your collection in the Phrase selector window. The sequence of verbiage in the collection determines what your final phrase will read like.
- Variable – Add a system, contacts, or contact flow variable to a new or existing phrase.
- Move up – Moves selected phrase up one space. Use this option to move the selected verbiage to the desired place in the message sequence.
- Move down – Moves selected phrase down one space
- Quick Message Edit - View the final phrase as a collection of file names
- Phrase Description - View the final phrase in plain text
Click Ok to save the phrase and return to the General tab.
- If the property is a variable, choose between the available variable values or enter a value in the field, or click the ellipsis to access the Expression Builder and add a variable.
- If it is a phrase, the Phrase Selector window appears. Modify the existing phrase using the options in the Phrase Selector:
The platform created phrases with numeric file names starting with 1_, as displayed in the Quick Message Edit box, play only the visible phrase. Phrases with something other than 1_ will play the phrase and then a database location. These are Series prompts. Use a 1_ series (or your custom audio) followed by a variable from the Add Variable UI to get the same effect.
If a new Message was created to keep from impacting other services, assign the new Message before testing. Open the Services section and go to the Messaging tab. Double-click the Message's Property value, select the new Message from the drop-down, tap the Enter key, and click Save.
Navigate to the Message associated with the service you are researching. Confirm this association in the Associated Services tab.
- You can click the Visualize this Message icon (
) next to the Contact Flow Description box to see the messaging put into a contact flow (this is a reflection of the verbiage in the contact flow template after the last save).
- Some of the information for contact flows and results available for the templates are not present in the .gif pictures. You can run non-production tests to verify the Script and Results meet your expectations. For additional information, send an e-mail to customer care.
After the messaging changes are complete, click Save. The new phrase appears in the Messages window. Before using the new message, you must test, validate, and deploy it.
To delete the selected message, hover on a message in the Messages window and click the Delete icon.
To launch a test call widget, hover on a message row and click the Test Call/Email icon. The test call widget allows you to select a service and add a contact number to generate a test call.
Verify the message by clicking the Validate button. The Validate button confirms that all the prompts or recordings being used are available.
- Click Validate.
- Choose the voice talent for which you want to validate the messaging.
- Repeat steps 1-3 for all voice talents
Listen to the message line by line using the Listen button.
- Select the line that you want to listen to.
- Click the Listen button.
- Choose the voice talent in which you want to hear the message, and click Play.
- Repeat steps 1-3 for all the lines/voice talents.
Click Deploy after you make the changes to put the message into production. This action compiles recordings into a string and assigns the new string to the message.
Creating messagebook entries allows you to add pre-recorded messages available to the Agent Desktop configuration. To add a new messagebook entry:
- Click the Add Messagebook Entry button. The Add New Message wizard appears.
- Specify the New Message Name and New Message Description (optional).
- Click the Next button.
- The Modules Assigned displays the module being used by the contact flow Messagebook_1. From the live_person module, you may add the phrases required for the message.
- The Preview section allows a full-screen view of the contact flow.
- Click the Next button. This screen displays the summary of the selection.
- Click the Save button to save changes. This newly created Messagebook entry is available from the Agent Desktop editor.
- No labels