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The Email Billing Report provides you the count of emails that you have launched in a specific duration. 

Search Criteria

To access the Email Billing Report, navigate to Review > Billing Reports > Email Billing Report.

This report can be generated with a start and end time frame no greater than 31 days.

  • Date Range: Enables you to type in dates in the format of MM/DD/YYYY or choose dates using the calendar button. Clicking on the calendar button opens the Date Picker interface.
    • Under the Range tab, you can select the date range.
    • Under the MultiSelect tab, you can select multiple sequential or non-sequential dates.
  • Call Center: Select a call center from the drop-down menu.
    • Multiple Call Center Selection: Clicking on the link next to the Call Center drop-down menu opens the Select Call Center window.
      • Search the required call center by typing the text in the Search textbox.
      • Click a call center from the Available column to move it to the Assigned column.
      • Click the Assign All button to add all the available call centers to the Assigned column.
      • Click a call center from the Assigned column to remove the assigned call center. The call center is moved to the Available column.
      • Click the Remove All button to remove all the assigned call centers. The call centers are removed.
  • Email Address: Displays the email address that is configured in Configure Email Email Channel
    • Multiple Code Selection: Clicking on the link next to the Email Address drop-down menu opens the Select Email Address window.
      • Search the required email address by typing the text in the Search textbox.
      • Click an email address from the Available column to move it to the Assigned column.
      • Click the Assign All button to add all the available email addresses to the Assigned column.
      • Click an email address from the Assigned column to remove the assigned email address. The email address is moved to the Available column.
      • Click the Remove All button to remove all the assigned email addresses. The email addresses are removed.
  • Service: A particular service can be selected using the service drop-down box. If a particular call center is selected prior to selecting a service, services only available for that particular call center will appear.
    • Multiple Service Selection: Clicking on the link next to the Service drop-down menu opens the multiple service selection window:  
      • Click a service row from the Available column to move it to the Assigned column.
      • Click the Assign All button to add all the available services to the Assigned column.
      • Click a service row from the Assigned column to remove it from the assigned services. The service is moved to the Available column.
      • Click the Remove All button to remove all the assigned services and move them to the Available column.
  • Campaign Type: Select a campaign type from the drop-down menu. 
    • Multiple Service Selection: Clicking on the link next to the Campaign Type drop-down menu opens the multiple service selection window:  
      • Email: You can filter based on the outbound campaign.
      • MANUAL_email: You can filter based on agent initiated campaigns.
      • INBOUND_email: You can filter based on the inbound email.
  • Service Type: Select a service type using the Service Type drop-down box. If a particular service type is selected, services available for that particular service type appear in the Services drop-down list.
    • Multiple Service Selection: Clicking on the link next to the Service Type drop-down menu will open the multiple service type selection window:  
      • Click a service type row from the Available column to move it to the Assigned column.
      • Click the Assign All button to add all available services types to the Assigned column.
      • Click a service type row from the Assigned column to remove it from the assigned service types. The service is moved to the Available column.
      • Click the Remove All button to remove all the assigned service types. The service types moved to the Available column.

Generate Report and Results

After choosing the search parameters, click the Generate Report button to generate the report.

  • Date: Date when the email was sent.
  • Call Center: Name of the call center.
  • Service: Name of the service.
  • Total number of Email: Cumulative count of emails in the Outbound Email and Inbound Email columns.
  • Outbound Email: Total number of outbound email messages.
  • Inbound Email: Total number of inbound email messages.
  • Mass Email: Outbound email messages that have the Campaign Type as EMAIL.
  • Agent Email: Outbound email messages that have the Campaign Type as MANUAL_EMAIL and Agent ID in the interaction.
  • Transactional Emails: Outbound email messages that have the Campaign Type as MANUAL_EMAIL and no Agent ID in the interaction.
  • No labels