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This section describes the fields on the tabs in a contact record (that is, in the Contact window).

General Tab

The General tab of the Contact window displays additional contact fields and their values associated with the selected contact. These values are optional values included from the input file. The values can be modified and the changes can be saved by clicking Save. The tab also displays the contact ownership details, in addition to the contact fields. You can utilize the contact ownership fields to assign an agent or agent team to the selected contact, and search for and create campaigns based on the assignment.

The General tab contains the following fields:

  • General
    • Account: Customer account number for reference.
    • Account to Speak: Same as Account by default but can be set to be uniqueTypically, this is the account that is used to speak as part of messaging.
    • Original Account Number: Alternate account number that is different from the unique account identifier within the LiveVox client's CRM platform.
    • Salutation: Salutation to address the contact.
    • First Name: First name of the contact.
    • Last Name: Last name of the contact.
    • Guarantor First Name: Contact guarantor's first name.
    • Guarantor Last Name: Contact guarantor's last name.
    • DOB: Date of birth of the contact.
    • B Active: If enabled, the contact is available to be dialed.
    • SSN: Social security number of the contact.
    • Department: Department of the contact.
    • Description: Description of the contact.
    • Title: Title of the contact.
  • Contact Information
    • Address 1: Primary address of the contact.
    • Address 2: Secondary address of the contact.
    • City: City associated with the primary address.
    • State: State associated with the primary address.
    • Zip/Postal Code: ZIP/Postal Code associated with the primary address.
    • Country: Country associated with the primary address.
  • Other Information
    • Payment Balance: Present payment balance of the contact.
    • Amount to Speak: Amount required from the contact.
    • Account Due Date: Payment due date for the contact.
    • Group: Contact group assigned to the contact. Select the group from the drop-down list box that you want to assign to the contact.
  • Contact Ownership
    • Agent: Agent assigned to the contact. Select the agent from the drop-down list box to whom you want to assign the ownership of the contact.
    • Agent Team: Agent team assigned to the contact. Select the agent team from the drop-down list box to whom you want to assign the ownership of the contact.

Channels Tab

The Channels tab of the Contact window displays a list of phone numbers associated with the selected contact. This tab also enables you to store the customer consent. You can enable the Do Not Contact and Do Not Contact Today options to restrict dialing, messaging, or emailing on the contact permanently and for the day, respectively.

  • If a customer unsubscribes from an email campaign, the email consent flag is automatically cleared for that specific account+email record to restrict further email communication.
  • If a customer responds to an SMS with a pre-configured opt-out keyword, the corresponding account+phone SMS consent flag is automatically cleared to restrict further SMS attempts on that account+phone combination.

The Channels tab contains the following fields:

  • All Channels
    • Do Not Contact: If selected, adds the account to the Do Not Dial (DND) list permanently.
    • Do Not Contact Today: If selected, adds the account to the Do Not Dial (DND) list every day.
    • SMS: If selected, enables SMS campaigns for the account.
    • Email: If selected, enables email campaigns for the account.
    • Total Attempts Today: Displays the number of calls attempted on the contact today.
    • Total Attempts Lifetime: Displays the number of calls attempted on the contact until today.
  • Phone Numbers
    • Type: Position of the phone number (for example, Phone 1 indicates the first position). You can add a maximum of 10 phone numbers.
    • Phone Number: Available phone numbers for the contact.
    • Attempts Today: Number of calls attempted on the phone number today.
    • Attempts Lifetime: Number of calls attempted on the phone number until the current day. Lists are checked at the dial time. These settings are account-based and client-level.
    • SMS consent: If the customer opts for SMSes to be received to the phone number, enable this option. 
    • Cell Consent: If the customer opts for calls to be received on the phone number, enable this option.

      Double-click the phone number row to add/update a phone number, manage its consent options, and set the Do not Contact and Do Not Contact Today restrictions for the number.

  • Email Address: Email address associated with the account. If the customer chooses to opt for emails, select the Email Consent checkbox. Deleting the email address from the Email Address field clears the Email Consent checkbox. 

Contact Details Tab

The Contact Details tab of the Contact window displays the custom fields created for the selected contact and their values. The custom fields and their data type can be defined through the Fields settings. 

For information about how to create custom fields or define their data types, see Field Settings.

Encrypted Fields Tab

The Encrypted Fields tab displays the encrypted fields associated with the selected contact. The encrypted fields and their data type can be viewed through the Fields settings. 

For information about how to create encrypted fields, see Field Settings.


Notes Tab

The Notes tab of the Contact window displays all the notes added by agents and managers for the selected contact. You can read any notes to better understand the status of a contact record or the actions taken by an agent on the contact record. You can also add notes by using the Add button in the lower-left corner of the tab. The agents can view your notes on the Agent Desktop depending on the configuration (that is, if the Notes Enabled checkbox is selected for them as part of the configuration).

  • You cannot modify or delete the notes. 
  • You can enter a maximum of 4000 characters in the Note field.

Interactions Tab

The Interactions tab of the Contact window displays the details of previous attempts to reach the selected contact and the outcome of such attempts. It also displays the details of the interaction in the View column. 

You can customize the table on the tab by using the gear icon in the upper-right corner of the tab

The View column contains the details of interactions associated with the contact. You can listen to calls, and view email, SMS, and chat threads.


If the interaction occurred through a call, the phone iconappears in the View column to enable you to listen to the call recording.


If the interaction occurred through an email, the mail icon appears in the View column to enable you to view the email thread. An email thread is a sequence of email messages with the same subject line.

  • You can view the details related to each email message in the thread on the Details tab.
  • You can also view and download attachments in the email.


If the interaction occurred through an SMS, the SMS icon appears in the View column to enable you to view the SMS thread. An SMS thread is a set of SMS messages from the same long or short code phone number and to the same phone number within a 24-hour rolling period.

You can view the details related to each SMS message in the thread on the Details tab.


If the interaction occurred through a chat, the chat icon  appears in the View column to enable you to view the chat thread. A chat thread is a sequence of chat messages within the same session.

You can view the details related to each chat message in the thread on the Details tab.

Scheduled Callback Tab

The Scheduled Callback tab of the Contact window displays the details of the callbacks scheduled for the selected contact and also enables you to adjust the schedules of the callbacks. You can view, filter, modify, or cancel scheduled callbacks.

For more information, see Managing Scheduled Callbacks.

You can customize the table on the tab by using the gear icon in the upper-right corner of the tab

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