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A contact import job helps you to automate the process of exporting the contact records from Contact Manager on the LiveVox Portal (LVP) into a file.

To create a contact export job:

  1. On the Configure tab, click Contacts > Contacts.
    The Contacts window appears.
  2. On the Import/Export Jobs tab, click Add.
    The Jobs window appears.
  3. In the Job Type field, select Contact Export.
  4. On the General tab, specify values in the following fields.

    File NameName for the file in which you want to export contacts from Contact Manager.
    EnabledIndicates if the export job is active.
    Export PathCustom export directory path on the Secure Shell File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) server to store all exported files.
    Export Format

    Format in which you want the contacts to be exported to a file.

    This field contains the contact export formats created in the Export Format window. For more information, see Export Format.

    Notification Email List

    Email addresses to which you want to send a success or failure notification for each export attempt.

    Separate multiple email addresses with a comma (,).


    Filter based on which you want to export contacts.

    This field contains the advanced filters created on the Contacts tab. For more information, see Copy of Search and Advanced Search.

  5. If you want to customize the file format, click Customize Format.

    For more information, see Copy of Exporting and Importing Contacts.

    The Jobs window displaying the Data Format section on the General tab appears. This section displays the columns that will appear in the exported file.

  6. On the Schedules tab, click Add.
    The Schedule window appears.
  7. Specify values in the following fields:

    • Days: Days for which you want to schedule the export job.
    • Start Time: Time when you want the export job to start (in hours and minutes).
    • Time Zone: Time zone for the export job.
  8. Click OK.
  9. In the Jobs window, click OK.
    The contact export job appears on the 
    Import/Export Jobs tab.
  10. Click Save.
    The contact export job is created. When the export job is triggered, contacts based on the specified filter are exported from Contact Manager into a file.

You can create a maximum of four contact export jobs.

Managing a Contact Export Job

On the Import/Export Jobs tab:

  • You can modify an export job by double-clicking the row displaying the job.
  • You can view the history of an export job by double-clicking the row displaying the job and then clicking the Job History tab, which displays the following columns:
    • Start Time: Time when the job started.
    • End Time: Time when the job ended.
    • Duration (in secs): Time taken to complete the job, in seconds. 
    • Status: Status of the job (that is, Success or Failure).
    • Message: More information about the status of the job (for example, Total records exported: 1 or Job Failed).
  • You can delete an export job by hovering over the row displaying the job and then clicking the close icon delete icon.
  • After you create, modify, or delete an export job, click Save.
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