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LiveVox provides configurable screen recording functionality for each agent desktop. The system captures all agent screen activities through the Agent Desktop Native (ADN) application. Screen recording begins when an agent goes into the In Call state and ends when the agent selects a termination code or if the login session is disconnected.

The Screen Recording option is displayed only if the feature is enabled. Screen Recording comes at an additional cost. Contact your Account team to request this functionality.

To verify if Screen Recording is enabled, navigate to Configure > Services > Client > Billing tab. The Recording section of the page displays this information.

  • Enhanced Screen Recording Storage is available for a nominal fee. Contact LiveVox Customer Care to extend the storage capacity for your business. 
  • To verify if the Enhanced Screen Recording Storage option is enabled for your portal, go to Configure > Services > Client > Billing > Recording. 
  • To use the Agent Screen Recording feature, you must install the Agent Desktop Native application on the agents’ systems. For detailed information, see the Agent Desktop Native Installation on Product Documentation.

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