Page tree

An account view is a filter to display the accounts that meet predefined criteria, respectively, in a customized table. Views are intended to help you and your agents to easily segment, find, track, prioritize, or manage the records, without the need to manually search for a specific set of records. For example, you can provide the filter criteria for a view, select the fields to display in a view, restrict who can edit the view, and restrict visibility of the view.

You can define a view based on the properties of an account. In addition, you can define who can view or modify a view.

Where an Account View Appears

An account view appears as an option in the Filter field in:

  • The Accounts window that appears when you click Account > Accounts on the Configure tab. 
  • For agents and agent teams, an account view appears as an option in the Filter field in the Accounts List section on the agent desktop.
  • No labels