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After adding the work area, time off category and other settings, you can start adding shift details. The Shift Details tab allows you can create, copy and edit shift details. Navigate to Configure > Agents > Agent Scheduling, select the Shift Details tab from the Agent Scheduler.

Adding Shifts

  1. Click the Add button at the bottom right corner of the Shift Details tab.
  2. Specify the Shift Name.
  3. Select the Call Center from the drop-down menu to associate the shift to a specific call center.
  4. Select the Number of slots you want to allocate for the shift.
  5. Select the Work Area for the shift in the Area field. You can choose the area that you created on the Admin tab.
  6. Select the Start time of the shift.
  7. Select the End Time of the shift.
  8. You can choose to Color code a shift to distinguish between multiple shifts.
  9. Select the Required Skills for the shift you are creating. Select the skills from the Available column and move to the Selected column.
  10. Select the Allow Break checkbox to define the break time and duration for the shift.
    1. Select the Break Duration from the drop-down menu.
  11. Define the Schedule of the Shift:
    1. Select the Start and End Date
    2. Select specific days of the week.

Editing Shift Details

You can edit the Shift Details from the Schedule tab.

  1. Double-click the shift you want to edit from the Shifts panel on the top left corner of Schedule tab. You are presented with the Shift Details form on the Shift Details tab.
  2. You can modify the required fields of the shift.
  3. Once updated, click Save to accept the changes.
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