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The monitor dashboard for the chat channel (chat monitor dashboard) enables you to monitor your chat queues and provides the following statistics for the current day, in real time:

  • State of chat threads.
  • Chat queues of agents, including the state of chat threads.

In addition, the dashboard provides information about active chat threads.

You can search for specific agents, view the entire conversation in an active chat thread, and also view the contact profile associated with a chat thread.

  • This dashboard is available at the enterprise, call center, and service levels.
  • For information about how to access the chat monitor dashboard for a given level, see Monitor Tab.
  • Your customers can rate a chat when chatting with your agents or after the chat has ended. The rating is considered for the entire chat thread and is stored in the Interactions table. To view the ratings, contact the LiveVox Customer Care Team.

Chat Statistics

The chat monitor dashboard displays the following statistics for the current day.

Available Agents

Number of agents who are ready to respond to chats (that is, agents who are signed in to a service for which the chat channel is configured; who are in the Ready state; and for whom the chat channel is enabled). 

The chat channel is considered to be configured for a service if the Chat Routing Token field of the service contains a value.

Average Chat Wait TimeAverage time that customers wait before their chat threads are connected to agents.
Average Resolution Time

Average time taken to resolve chat threads. 

  • Resolution time is the difference between the time that a chat session initiated by a customer connects to an agent and the time that the agent ends the session by marking the thread resolved or by dispositioning it.
  • Even after a customer has left a chat session, the thread is considered unresolved until the agent ends the session.
Chats In Queue

Number of incoming chat threads that are waiting to be connected to an agent.

This number includes any chats that have hit the Contact Flow (IVR) and are waiting to be connected to an agent; the chat thread may include bot interactions from the Contact Flow.

Chats With AgentNumber of active (unresolved) chat threads in the agents' inboxes.
Total ChatsNumber of all chat threads initiated by customers.

In addition, the chat monitor dashboard tab displays the Chat Monitor table, which provides information about the last 100 active chat threads. The table displays the following columns.

AgentName of the agent if the value in the Thread Status column is With Agent.
DurationDuration for which the thread has been active.

Icon to view the Contact Details window of the customer who is a participant in the thread.


Token (department) to which the thread routes.

A department enables a chat thread to be linked to the appropriate service.

ThreadIcon to view the Chat Detail window, which contains the entire chat conversation that constitutes the thread.
Thread Status

Current status of the thread, which is one of the following values:

  • In Queue: Indicates that the thread is waiting to be connected to an agent.
  • With Agent: Indicates that the thread is connected to an agent and the agent is yet to resolve the thread. That is, the thread is in the agent's inbox.

    If the agent to whom a thread is connected signs out, the thread is no longer considered to be with the agent.

You can filter the rows in the table based on the values in the following columns, by using the Search box:

  • Agent
  • Queue
  • Thread Status
  • No labels