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You can assign shifts by dragging and dropping shifts from the Schedule tab.

  1. Hover the mouse on the shift you want to assign.
  2. Drag the shift to the required agents in the Agent panel to apply the shift.
  3. You can do this for the number of slots available for the respective shift. Once all slots are filled, you cannot apply that shift to other agents.
  4. Click the Publish button to save all the changes and make the schedule available for the agents and other managers.

Assigning Shifts in Bulk

  1. Select the Bulk Assign option at the bottom right corner of the Agent Scheduler. The Bulk Assign screen appears which allows you to select multiple agents for shift assignment.
  2. Select the required Shift for scheduling.
  3. Select the Scope to assign the shift for a specific time.
  4. You can Filter the list of Available Agents by:
    1. Agent Name
    2. Call Center
    3. Inactive Agents
    4. Agent Team
    5. Agent Skills
  5. Select one or multiple agents (hold CTRL to select multiple) from the Agents Available column and move them to Agents To Schedule column using the arrow buttons.
  6. Select the Assign button to save the shift assignment.
  7. Click the Publish button on the bottom right corner of the Agent Scheduler to save all the changes and make the schedule available for the agents and other managers.
  • You can assign agents to multiple shifts per day and schedule multiple breaks per shift.
  • You can change the hours for the shift and breaks per shift.

Copying Shift Assignment

You can copy the shift assignment for a specific day or a range of days to another range of days using the Copy Assignments option. To copy shift assignment:

  1. Select Copy Assignments options at the bottom right corner of the Agent Scheduler. Copy Shift Assignments screen appears.
  2. Select Source and Target date range.
  3. Select the list of Agents to assign the shift.
  4. Click the Copy button and the Publish button.
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