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Success/failure notifications allow the LiveVox team to evaluate the success or failure of reporting job steps within the LiveVox environment. Each job is always configured to send out failure notifications to the LiveVox internal monitoring team. If a note of failure is received, this team would analyze the problem, perform necessary troubleshooting steps and track it through resolution, escalating or updating the appropriate LiveVox teams as needed.

LiveVox can also configure for each job step which step should follow on success and which should follow on failure. Failure notifications are routed to the same internal monitoring group. However, for conditional job steps, the failure steps do not result in notification but rather lead to a different branch of flow/logic because it is not technically a failure but a true/false outcome of a set condition.

Example of a conditional job step:  Check for specific call center as part of the EOD job. When the step is successful (i.e. correct call center), the next step is to download CDR in the format required by that call center. If the step is a failure (the call center is not the one specified), the next step is to check for a different set of call centers.

You may view the last execution of each job via the Job History tab:


Same screen with details for each step (Show Steps is selected):

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