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The Contacts tab displays the list of contacts in Contact manager and allows you to edit uploaded contact data, manage consent and contacts, and create channel specific campaigns only for those that have the corresponding consent. It also allows you to search for contacts using basic or advanced search.

The Contacts tab offers the following fields and buttons:

  • Search – Allows you to filter contacts by a selected field. See Filtering Contacts for more information.
  • Advanced Search – Displays the Advanced Search screen. See Filtering Contacts for more information.
  • Segmentation Templates - Allows to select a segmentation template created for Contact manager, from the drop down for preview. See Managing or Previewing Segmentation for more information.
  • Preview – Displays the Segmentation Preview screen. See Managing or Previewing Segmentation for more information.
  • Bulk Change – Allows you to make changes to the set of filtered Contact manager accounts in bulk. See Modifying Multiple Contacts for more information.
  • Make a campaign – Allows you to create a campaign via the Contacts manager. See Creating a Campaign for more information.
  • Import – Allows you to import a list of contacts. See Importing and Exporting Contacts for more information.
  • Export – Allows you to export a list of contacts. See Importing and Exporting Contacts for more information.
  • Email Export (when configured) - Allows you to export all accounts with email addresses as a list to LiveVox Email Campaign Builder/Administrator portal. See Email Export from Contacts manager for more information.
  • Add – Allows you to add a new contact record. See Adding/Deleting a Contact for more information.
  • Delete – Allows you to delete a selected contact record. See Adding/Deleting a Contact for more information.
  • Cancel – Allows you to cancel any updates.

Double-clicking a contact within Contacts manager will generate a screen with additional information.

  • The General tab displays additional contact fields and their values. These values are optional values included from the input file. These values can be edited and the changes can be saved by clicking Save. This tab also displays the contact ownership details, in addition to the contact fields. You can utilize the Contact Ownership fields to assign an Agent or Agent Team to the selected contact and search and create campaigns based on this assignment. The following fields are available in the General tab.
    • General
      • Account - Customer account/reference number.
      • Account to Speak - By default, the same as Account, but can be set to be unique from Account. Typically used to speak as part of messaging.
      • Original Account Number - An alternate account number that is different from the unique account identifier within the LiveVox client's CRM platform. 
      • First Name - The first name of the selected contact.
      • Last Name - The last name of the selected contact.
      • Guarantor First Name - The contact guarantor's first name.
      • Guarantor Last Name - The contact guarantor's last name.
      • DOB - The date of birth of the selected contact.
      • B Active - If checked the selected contact will be available to dial.
      • SSN - The social security number of the selected contact.
    • Contact Information
      • Address 1 - The address of the selected contact.
      • Address 2 - The secondary address of the selected contact.
      • City - The city registered to the primary address of the contact.
      • State - The state registered to the primary address of the contact.
      • Zip/Postal Code - The zip/postal code registered to the primary address of the contact.
      • Country - The country registered to the primary address of the contact.
    • Other information
      • Payment Balance - The present payment balance on the selected contact.
      • Amount to Speak - The amount required from the selected contact.
      • Account Due Date - The payment due date on the selected account/contact.
      • Group - Allows you to select a group from the drop down menu to be assigned to the selected contact.

    • Contact Ownership
      • Agent - Select an agent from the drop down menu to assign the ownership of the selected contact to a specific agent.
      • Agent Team - Select an agent team from the drop down menu to assign the ownership of the selected contact to a specific agent team.

  • The Channels tab displays list of phones associated with the selected contact. This tab also allows you to store the customer consent, enable Do Not Contact and Do Not Contact Today options to restrict dialing on a selected account permanently or for the day.

On email and SMS campaigns:

    • For email, if a consumer unsubscribes from an email campaign, the system automatically unchecks the email consent flag for that specific Account+Email record and restricts further Email communication.
    • For SMS, if a consumer responds with a pre-configured key word, the system automatically unchecks the matching Account+Phone SMS consent flag and restricts further SMS attempts to that Account+Phone combination.

  • The Contact Details tab displays the custom fields created for Contact manager and their values. The custom fields and their data type can be defined via Fields editor. See Fields editor section for instructions on creating new custom fields and defining the data types.

  • The Notes tab displays all the notes added by agents for a specific account. You can read any agent entered notes and get a better understanding of account status and/or actions taken by the agent/s on a particular account.


Agent notes are Read Only within Contact manager.

  • The Contact History tab displays the details of previous attempts to reach the contact and their outcome. It also displays the details of the interaction in the view column.  For example, if it is a call, you can click on the icon in the view column to listen to the call recording and if it is an email or SMS, you can view the details of the Email or SMS that were sent. The display columns can be customized by clicking the cog icon on the top right corner of the Contact History screen.

  • The Scheduled Callbacks tab displays the details of the callbacks scheduled for a specific contact and also allows you to adjust the schedules of these callbacks. You can view, filter/search, edit or cancel scheduled callbacks. The display columns can be customized by clicking the cog icon on the top right corner of the Scheduled Callback screen. See Managing Scheduled Callbacks section for more information.

The Previous and Next buttons can be used to navigate contacts within this detailed view.

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