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The interaction intents are the most possible intentions of the customer to initiate a call. The interaction intents primarily analyze the keywords to identify the call intent. To identify the reason why this call was flagged for this interaction intent from the interaction search or review, you can add a filter for the corresponding keyword list. You can also add the keyword list for a specific intent.

  • Interaction intents are generated only for inbound calls.
  • Each intent is only counted once per interaction.

You can customize the displayed report table as follows.

Display or hide certain columns in the table.
  1. Click the arrow next to any column heading, and then click the Columns option.
  2. If you want to display certain columns in the table, select the checkboxes next to their names.
  3. If you want to hide certain columns in the table, clear the checkboxes next to their names.
Sort the values in a column in ascending or descending order.Click the column heading once or twice as required. Alternatively, you can click the arrow next to the column heading, and then select the Sort Ascending or  Sort Descending option.
Filter the statistics based on a column.Click the arrow next to the column heading, and then use the Filters option. 
Lock or unlock a column.Click the arrow next to the column heading, and then click the Lock or Unlock option.

  • To search for a specific intent, use the Filter field. 
  • To view details of only active intents, select the Active Only checkbox.
  • To refresh the list, click the Refresh icon (Refresh icon).
  1. Click New.
    The New Interaction Intent popup window appears.
  2. Specify values in the following fields:

    • Name: Specify a name for the interaction intent.
    • Driver Keyword List: Select an existing keyword list from the drop-down list to represent the interaction intent.
    • Language: Select the language from the drop-down list. Currently English and Spanish are the available options. 
    • Allow Duplicates: Select Yes if duplicate keywords are allowed. 
    • Active: Select the checkbox if the interaction intent to be available in the active status.
    • Reasons: Select additional or subsidiary reasons/keyword lists from the drop-down list that correspond to the main interaction intent, and click on the plus icon ().
    • Self-Serviceable: Select the checkbox if the reason is self-serviceable which means the customer could have resolved the issue or achieved the desired conclusion without calling.
  3. Click Save.
  • To copy an interaction intent, click Copy, and then click Yes in the confirmation popup window that appears. A copy of the selected interaction intent appears in a separate table.
  • To modify an interaction intent, select the interaction intent that you want to modify and click Edit, or double-click the interaction intent. You can modify the details on the Settings tab of the interaction intent details page. 
  • To delete an interaction intent, select the interaction intent and click Delete. Alternatively, you can select the interaction intent and click Delete on the interaction intent details page. 
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