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This tab allows to adjust current agent desktop. This section reflects the pieces of data which will appear on your agent's desktop while working a call. Customer data (name, account number) displayed will come from your input file and while call data (phone number, inbound vs outbound) will come from LiveVox. Navigate to Configure > Agents Agent Desktop > ScreenPop tab.

  • Copy data from clipboard - Allows you to define which field is copied on the agent’s clipboard.  Fields are taken from the input file/screen pop and copied to the clipboard. 
  • Add - Adds new information field.
  • Delete - Deletes selected field.
  • Move Up - Moves the selected field up one space.
  • Move Down - Moves the selected field down one space.

Data Field Details

Click the Add button to add new field to screen pop. You are prompted to enter the following information:

  • Source - Allows to configure call transactions, file (campaign) based values, Call Flow, and Contacts variables. According to configuration, source fields are displayed to the agent (screenpop).
    • Default - Select the option to display call transactions and file based values.
    • Contact - Select the option to display the configured Contacts manager variables.
    • CallFlow - Select the option to display customer IVR responses or web service calls.
  • Key - The database location to display. This location may reference data from the input file or information on the current call.
  • Display Name - The descriptive label for the field, shown on agent screen.
  • Delimiter - Only necessary for Transformations.
  • Position - Only necessary for Transformations (see Unpacking a Transformation on the Desktop).

To save changes, select the Save Agent Desktop button in the bottom right.

  • No labels