This document provides an overview of new features and enhancements to existing features of the LiveVox User Portal in the LiveVox U15 release.
New Features
This section describes the new features in the following product categories.
Feature 1
<Brief description of the feature without screenshots or procedures.>
Feature 2
<Brief description of the feature without screenshots or procedures.>
Data Management
Downloadable Knowledge Base (KB) Articles
Your customers can now download the KB articles through the web widget. In addition, as they scroll down the list of KB articles on the widget, the list expands to display more articles.
Proactive Web Chat
You can now proactively initiate chat when someone visits your website, based on any of the following parameters:
- Current URL (that is, the address of the current webpage).
- Time spent by the customer on your website.
- Time spent by the customer on the current page on your website.
- Referral URL (that is, the address of the webpage from where the customer was directed to your website).
SpeechIQ under WFO Tab
New Speech Analytics options are available under WFO
This section describes the enhancements in the following product categories.
Feature 1
<Brief description of the feature without screenshots or procedures.>
Feature 2
<Brief description of the feature without screenshots or procedures.>