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This section contains general instructions on how to create a completely new call flow.  For specific step-by-step instructions on creating introductory call flows, see Basic Call Flow Creation Examples

Creating a Completely New Call Flow

  1. Select Add Call Flow.

  2. Enter the Call Flow Name and Description.

  3. Select Supports Expressions if the call flow will use the condition module to make decisions in the call handling process. A blank screen will be displayed in the Call Flow Editor.
  4. To add modules to the call flow, select the module you need and drag it onto the canvas (open dotted field).  After you drop the module onto the canvas, a new box will appear that contains the Message Properties and Call Flow Properties for the specified module. For more detail on modules, see the section on Call Flow Editor Modules.

    By default, the first module you create will have the Is First Module check box selected.

Always create the opening module of the call flow first which will default to "Is First Module".  This is the first module the system will look at for determining the call flow.  If your opening module is not created first, you will need to delete the first module you created to assign the 'Is First Module' property to the correct module.

The Message Properties tab displays the message field properties as well as their values, including the messaging that customers will hear.  The Call Flow Properties tab displays any associated call flow properties and values (if applicable).  

Message Properties and Call Flow Properties tell a module what to do.  For instance, having "Bargein" with a value of "Yes" will allow callers to press keys to bypass the message.  In the following example, the 'Menu Prompt Phrase' is the verbiage that will play for this module.  If the caller presses a digit on their telephone keypad before the completion of the message with the "Bargein" value set to "Yes", then the call will move onto the next logic step in the call flow.

Each module name must be unique, and the name cannot contain any spaces.  The name is used as the prefix for all the properties associated with the module.  In this example the module name is "menu" and it becomes the prefix for all message properties.

Building new messages off an adjusted Call Flow when modules are added or removed is strongly recommended.  Otherwise, the list of properties available in the Message does not update to reflect new or removed options.  A new Message will show the new property names.

Connecting Modules

After adding modules you need to select connectors for the call flow.  Connectors contain the logic of the flow from one module to another as well as their specific Event and Result.

  1. Create connectors by selecting the Connector button. In the connector setup box, the Source Module is the starting point of the connector and the Target Module is the ending point for the connector.  The Event is the type of Connector, and the Result is the outcome that will be used in reporting should that be the last module for which the transaction was connected.  For more detail on connectors, see the section on Call Flow Editor Connectors

    The list of event connectors available is dependent on the source module.

  2. After all modules and connectors have been set for the call flow, select Save to save your call flow.
  3. Select Deploy to deploy the saved call flow into production.  Any associated messages will begin using the new call flow. You might need to create a new Message to pick up the latest changes to the call flow.

When adding connectors, the Call Flow editor allows you the following functionality:

    • You can re-position connectors to different entry/exit points of the selected module.
    • Double-clicking on icons from the modules palette adds the module.
    • Selecting the module and clicking on the INSERT key on your keyboard adds the module.
    • Selecting the module and clicking on the DELETE key on your keyboard deletes the module.
    • Using the keyboard directional arrows allows you to move a selected module.
      • Left/Right arrow – pixel by pixel move.

      • Shift + left/right – step by step move.

      • Ctrl + left/right – select next/previous module.

Copying Existing Call Flows

You can create new call flows by copying an existing call flow and making the desired changes.

To copy a call flow:

  1. Select the call flow you wish to copy from the Call Flow dropdown menu and click Copy.

  2. Enter a new call flow name and description and select Copy.

  3. Update the call flow accordingly.

  4. Click Save to save the new call flow.

  5. Click Deploy to deploy the saved call flow into production.  Any associated messages will begin using the new call flow. You will need to create a new Message to pick up the latest changes to the call flow. 

Applying a Call Flow

After you Save and Deploy a call flow, you must create a Message from the new call flow and apply it to a service.  For more information, see Create Messages.

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