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Creating a Campaign

To upload a campaign through Contact Manager, in Contact Manager, on the Contacts tab, click Make a Campaign.
The Create Campaign window appears. 

The settings in the Create Campaign window are similar to those that appear when uploading a campaign through the Campaigns settings. For more information, see Uploading a Campaign and Assigning Dial Characteristics.

  • On the Basic tab, you can select the service and the campaign-level attributes.
  • On the Advanced tab:
    • You can select the Segmentation Template checkbox, define the campaign schedule (on-demand or scheduled), and configure append settings. If you enable the Segmentation Template checkbox, a list of contact segmentation templates (that is, templates whose source is Contact) appears for selection. You can use these templates to upload the campaign through Contact Manager. For information about creating segmentation templates for uploading a campaign through Contact Manager, see Segmentation.
    • You can exclude the parent campaign so that leftover contacts are not accidentally attempted by selecting the Exclude Parent Segmentation checkbox.

Creating an Email Campaign

Contact Manager also enables you to create email-based campaigns and upload them through the Campaign settings. This feature comes at an additional cost. Contact your Account team to enable the feature.

To create an email campaign through Contact Manager:

  1. In Contact Manager, on the Contacts tab, click Make a Campaign.

    If you want to create a campaign for the contacts associated with a filter, on the Contacts tab, by using the Search field or the Advanced Search option, run the filter.

    The Create Campaign window appears.

  2. In the Campaign Type field, select Email.
  3. In the Campaign Name field, enter a name to identify the campaign.
  4. In the Service field, select a service.

    If you want to search for a service by its name, type, call center, or preview mode, click the magnifying glass icon in the Service field.

  5. In the From field, select the address of the sender.
  6. In the Email Message field, select an email message.

    For information about how to create email message templates, see Contact Flow section page.

  7. Click Create.
    A campaign file is created based on the search criteria. 

    The new campaign appears in the Campaigns window.

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