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LiveVox records all calls between an agent and a customer by default. The call recording begins immediately after a call is bridged to an agent and captures everything that the caller hears during the conversation. By default, calls that are transferred externally from LiveVox by an agent continue to be recorded, though this can be disabled. The maximum duration for a call recording is 240 minutes. The minimum recording duration is 1 second. Calls connected to an agent for less than 1 second are not recorded.

  • The ability to continue or terminate recording for calls transferred off LiveVox (external transfer) is set at the service level.
  • If an agent disables call recording using call recording controls before transferring the call externally from LiveVox, the call is not recorded.

To verify if Call Recording is enabled, navigate to Configure > Services > Client > Billing tab. The Recording section of the page displays this information.

  • Enhanced Call Recording Storage is available for a nominal fee. Contact LiveVox Customer Care to extend the storage capacity for your business. 
  • To verify if the Enhanced Call Recording Storage option is enabled for your portal, go to Configure > Services > Client > Billing > Recording. 
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