Page tree

The General tab contains the following fields.

ServiceService IDA unique identifier that is assigned by LiveVox.
NameName of the service.
Call CenterThe call center in which the service is organized.
Service TypeService Type

Type of the service.

This field contains the following options, where the text that appears in parentheses is the associated cloud profile.



Basic (Auto)

A blended multi-channel service that supports inbound and outbound interactions and contains the following features:

  • Outbound and inbound voice
  • Attended voice campaigns
  • Email and SMS campaigns
  • Two-way email, SMS, and chat communication
  • Click-enabled voice, email, and SMS (with the purchase of U-CRM)

The Basic service runs through LiveVox's automated queuers and does not support the following features:

  • Preview All campaigns
  • HCI or 10DMT campaigns
  • Unattended voice campaigns
  • Whisper voice campaigns

When you select this value:

  • The value in the Call Direction field is Blended and the field is disabled.
  • The Inbound tab appears.
  • The Inbound Phone Number table appears on the Phone Numbers tab.
  • When you attempt to upload a campaign, only the following values appear in the Upload Campaign window:
    • Messaging
    • Outbound
    • SMS

Human Call Initiator (HCI)

A service in which an agent (that is, a clicker agent) manually launches a call.

If a consumer answers the call, the call is routed to the closer agent, who speaks with the consumer. 

Human Text Initiator (HTI)

 The Human Text Initiator (HTI) service enables agents (Clicker Agents) to manually launch text messages.

  • For assistance with an HTI configuration, contact the Account Team.
  • The HTI service enables agents other than Closer Agents to reply to SMS messages. Closer Agents are not required to launch the SMS messages.


A service that receives and directs callers using a designated Interactive Voice Response (IVR). IB services can be configured to route to agent teams, to certain outbound services using service groups, to themselves using service routing, to voicemail boxes, a self-service IVR, or a combination of these.

Manual (Manual)

A human-initiated service in which an agent must manually enter all ten digits of a telephone number on the keypad to launch a call. The same agent handles the call.

Preview All (Preview)

A human-initiated service that presents the telephone number to an agent who can choose to either click the number to launch the call or skip the number. The same agent handles the call.

Quick Connect (Auto)

An automated outbound service that immediately connects live answers with an available agent.

Unattended (Auto)

An automated outbound service that immediately connects with an IVR application. Regardless of the responses provided, the called party cannot be connected to an agent. 

Whisper (Auto)

An automated outbound service that immediately connects with an IVR application. Based on the responses provided, the called party can be connected to the agent through an inbound voice.

10DMT (Manual)

A human-initiated service in which an agent must manually enter all ten digits of a telephone number on the keypad to launch a call. The agent is unable to copy and paste any numbers into the keypad. If the agent enters an incorrect number, the number is ignored and the screen remains unchanged until the agent enters the correct number. The call is launched when the agent enters the correct number.

If a consumer answers the call, the call is routed to the closer agent, who speaks with the consumer.

API Enabled (API Enabled)

A service that allows manual dialing of desktop application programming interface (API) integrations.

SMS (Auto)

A high-capacity North American Short Messaging Service (SMS) that interfaces with its outbound dialing systems. It offers both standard rate and Free-to-End-User (FTEU) dedicated common short code (CSC), long code, and toll-free SMS services that have complete mobile carrier coverage in both the United States and Canada.
Call Direction

The value in this field determines whether the service launches calls (outbound), receives calls (inbound), or does both (blended).

The options that appear in this field are determined by the value selected in the Service Type field.

ACD mode

The value in this field determines the direction and type of the audio connection to adjust the audio path and/or the dialing behavior for the service.

The options that appear in this field are determined by the value selected in the Service Type field.

For a given service type, the field contains some of the following options.



10DMTUsed to complete the configuration of the 10DMT service.
Agent At Ready In

Used for the agents to dial a phone number to establish an audio path.

Agent At Ready Out

Used for the agents to provide a Direct Inward Dialing (DID) number or an extension number when they log on to their desktops; LiveVox then calls the same number to establish an audio path.

Agent Call OutThe same as the Agent At Ready Out mode, except that in this mode, the calls are made for each individual connection as opposed to a persistent audio connection.
HCIUsed to complete the configuration of the HCI service.
ManualUsed for a manual service in which the system determines whether the service functions as the Agent at Ready In mode if the agent call-in number is populated or as the Agent At Ready Out mode if the agent call-in number is not populated. 
No AcdUsed for the inbound, SMS, unattended, and whisper service types where an agent is not required (that is, the service does not contain the ACD module).
HCIUsed to complete the configuration of a HCI service.
HTIUsed to complete the configuration of HTI service.
Created ByName of the user who created the service.
Last Modified ByName of the user who last modified the service.

The following table contains the options that are available for the answering machine, pacing, and ACD mode for the specified service types.

Service Type (Cloud Profile)

Answering Machine Options

Pacing Options

ACD Mode Options

Basic (Auto)
  • Don't Leave Messages
  • Leave Messages
  • Lines Per Agent (#/Agent)
  • Max CIP
  • Abandon Rate
  • Agent at Ready In
  • Agent at Ready Out
  • Agent Call Out
  • Don't Leave Messages
  • Transfer all Connections
  • Lines Per Agent
  • Max CIP
  • Don't Leave Messages
  • Leave Messages
  • Transfer all Connections
  • Lines Per Agent (#/Agent)
  • Max CIP
InboundDon't Leave MessagesN/A
  • Agent At Ready In
  • Agent At Ready Out
  • Agent Call Out
  • No Acd
Manual (Manual)N/A
  • Lines Per Agent
  • Max CIP
Preview All (Preview)Transfer all Connections
  • Lines Per Agent
  • Max CIP
  • Agent At Ready In
  • Agent At Ready Out
  • Agent Call Out
Quick Connect (Auto)
  • Don't Leave Messages
  • Leave Messages
  • Transfer all Connections
  • Lines Per Agent
  • Max CIP
  • Abandon Rate
  • Agent At Ready In
  • Agent At Ready Out
  • Agent Call Out
Unattended (Auto)
  • Don't Leave Messages
  • Leave Messages

No Acd

Whisper (Auto)
  • Don't Leave Messages
  • Leave Messages
  • Lines Per Agent
  • Max CIP
No Acd
10DMT (Manual)
  • Don't Leave Messages
  • Transfer all Connections
  • Lines Per Agent
  • Max CIP
API Enabled (API Enabled)N/A
  • Lines Per Agent
  • Max CIP
  • 10DMT
  • HCI
  • Manual
  • HCI
SMS (Auto)
  • Don't Leave Messages
  • Transfer all Connections
Max CIPNo Acd