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The Score tab enables you to search for calls and evaluate them. To access the Score tab, go to WFOAssessor > Score.

Filter Panel

The Filter panel displays the tasks that are queued up for evaluation in assessor. You can also define the search criteria to retrieve specific recordings. 

The following options are available:

  • Tasks - This is the default option that displays the list of tasks including the ones that are scored as well as unscored.
  • Search - Select the Search option to search for specific call recordings.
    • Call - Allows you to filter call recordings based on the specified date range, call duration, and disposition codes.
      • From - Enter a specific start date or choose using the calendar drop-down button.
      • To - The system automatically sets the end date based on the set start date.

        • The search option allows you to access the recordings based on the Days of CallRecording duration set at the Client or Service level.
          See Client Editor - Settings Tab section for more details on the configurations of Days of CallRecording.
        • You can filter recordings for 7 days interval.
        • This restriction does not apply when you search for scored calls by selecting the Scored Only checkbox at the top right corner of the Filter Panel.
      • Duration (Sec) - Specify the time range of the call to narrow your results. Select the From and To values from the available drop-down options.
      • Disposition Codes - Select a disposition code from the available drop-down list to search for the recordings based on the disposition codes.
  • Consumer - Allows you to search for recordings based on account, original account number, and phone number.
    • Account - Enter the account number to retrieve the recordings associated to a specific account number.
    • Original Account Number - Enter the alternate account number.
    • Phone - Enter the phone number to retrieve recordings associated to a specific phone number.
  • Context - Allows you to select the following:
    • Agent- Select an individual agent ID from the drop-down menu to search for recordings.
    • Call Centers - Select a call center from the available drop-down options.
    • Services - Select a service from the available drop-down options.

    • Recent Campaign - Select a particular campaign for the report.

  • Evaluation - Select the Scored Only check box to view the Evaluation option. You can search for calls that are evaluated and scored.
    • Flagged - Select the Flagged check box to search for the flagged assessments.
    • Progress - By default you can search for calls with Complete and Incomplete evaluation status.
    • Scorecards - Select a Scorecard from the available drop drown list to search for the recordings based on scorecards.
    • Assessors - Select an Assessor from the available drop drown list to search for the recordings based on assessor.
    • Score - Specify the range of score to narrow your results. Select the From and To values from the available drop-down options.

Calls Panel

Once you run your search, the Calls panel displays all the recorded calls that match your search criteria. You can perform the following actions in the Calls panel:

  1. Drag and drop the selected column header to rearrange the position of the display columns.
  2. You can sort the column results in ascending or descending order, click the column header or select the order from the drop-down arrow.
  3. Navigate to the column option using the drop-down arrow from the column header.
  4. Select the columns you want to be displayed as search results and uncheck those to be hidden.
    By default all the possible columns are visible.

Configuring Calls Panel Column Display

To access the recording, double-click the selected call from the Calls panel. This displays the Audio Bar at the bottom of the Score tab.

  • The Video slider at the top right corner of the Score tab of Assessor editor allows you to control the size of the video playback screen.
  • Drag the slider towards the center to view the video playback along with the audio.
  • Click the play icon to playback the recording. You can also change the display, click the pop-up icon which brings up the video playback pop-up screen.
  • Click icon to add audio note with category to mark a specific event in the call without pausing the playback. For example, when listening to the call recording you notice that the agent placed a customer's call on hold without informing the same to the customer. You can mark that moment in time on the audio call time bar by adding an audio note with a comment that customer not informed about the hold time.
  • Select category from the Category drop-down, when adding an audio note for the call. See Administer section for information on creating categories.
  • Click icon to add audio note with category to mark a specific event in the call pausing the playback.
  • Click icon to view all the audio notes.

Video playback is synchronized with audio and can be displayed in different views.

Evaluating Calls

The Evaluation panel on the right corner of the Score tab allows you to evaluate a call. This panel displays once you enable it on the Score tab.

  1. Select the Scorecard which you wish to use for the evaluation from the scorecard dropdown.
  2. This presents you with the questions created within the scorecard.
  3. Choose the answers to the questions and click Save.

    • The evaluation begins based on the question groups as roots/headers followed by their root questions of the assigned scorecard.
    • You can save the evaluation even If you do not complete all the required questions however, the status of the evaluation will not show as completed.
  • No labels