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The Jobs tab of the Client editor displays recording and reporting jobs and their status. You can configure standard call recording and screen recording jobs in this tab. 

You cannot edit or create new Reporting Jobs from here. You can configure daily-zipped batched call recordings on this tab. This tab displays the following fields:


  • Call Recording: This job delivers Call Recordings along with an Index file to the Call Recording Out SFTP Server as a ZIP file every day at the scheduled time as per your timezone preference. Zipped call recording jobs generate records for the previous day. You can configure daily zipped batched call recordings by using the Call Recording link. For more details, see Configuring Standard Call Recording Jobs page.
  • Screen Recording: This job delivers Screen Recordings along with an Index file to the Screen Recording Out SFTP Server as a ZIP file every day at the scheduled time as per your timezone preference. Zipped screen recording jobs generate records for the previous day. You can configure daily zipped batched screen recordings by using the Screen Recording link. For more details, see Configuring Standard Screen Recording Jobs page.

Details of the jobs are displayed:

  • Job Name: Displays the name of the Job that was performed
  • Enabled: Indicates if Call Recording Standard Job is enabled
  • Running Step Name: Displays the name of the step that is running
  • Next Run Time: Displays date and time of next scheduled execution
  • Job Type: Displays the type of job
  • Scheduled: Displays if the job requirement is to post the reports every day (EOD), hourly, weekly or monthly
  • History: Click the Job History link to track and view jobs, when they were performed and the outcome of each job

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