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The properties pertaining to the content builder (CATI) can be set in more than one location. 

The first location is the Properties tab of a dialog. You can use the following properties to format the questions:

  • Randomize: Enables you to specify whether the order in which the questions are displayed is randomized. This is especially useful for surveys when you want to ensure that the agents pay attention to the text within the script and not simply respond to a question without reading it.
  • Question Location: Enables you to specify where you want the questions to be displayed within the main dialog (for example, top or bottom). The Top option displays the questions above any objects built within the main dialog. The Bottom option displays the questions below any objects within the main dialog.
  • Display Single Question: Enables you to define how the items on the Questions tab are displayed. The True option displays only one question at a time. This option is useful for surveys or others scripts that depend on the results of previous questions to determine the route that the script needs to take. If you prefer to display all questions or text strings on a single dialog, use the False option.

The second location is the Properties tab of a question or the text found on the Questions form. The Randomize property for a question enables you to specify whether the order in which the answers for the highlighted question are displayed is randomized. 

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