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The Schedule Performance report compiles historical call-related data within a defined time frame. This report provides insights into various metrics, including agent count, call handling duration, customer wait times, service level, occupancy, and more. This report enables you to make informed decisions about staffing needs for upcoming shifts.

  • Click to define the search criteria. The report displays information in both graph and table formats.
  • On the Schedule Performance window, you can view information only in graph view, table view, or both graph and table view. To select a view, click multiple times and choose between Show only graph, Show only table, and Show graph and table options.
  • You can select the information in the graph using the options in the drop-down menu. Choose between Agents Logged In, Contacts Offered, Service Level %, Occupancy %, and Avg Abandoned Rate %.
  • Click  to generate the report and save it to your local storage.
  • Click to display the table information as average values.

The table displays the following information:

Agents Logged InTotal agents logged in across the selected time range
Handle TimeTotal of waiting time + Incall time + Wrap up time expressed as HH:MM:SS (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)
Wait TimeTotal wait time for all agents expressed as HH:MM:SS
Wrap TimeTotal wrap time for all agents expressed as HH:MM:SS
Non-Active TimeLogged in but not ready + Pause time expressed as HH:MM:SS
Contacts OfferedTotal number of inbound + outbound contacts
Successful OP TransfersNumber of operator transfers across the selected time range
Avg Abandon Rate %Percentage of abandoned calls per hour across the selected time range

Occupancy %

(Total active time in minutes / (total non-active time in minutes + total active time in minutes)) * 100
Service Level %(Successful operator transfers/contacts offered) * 100

If you frequently search for information by using the same search criteria, you can save your search criteria for future use. A Saved Search refers to the saved search criteria.

To create a saved search:

  1. Click .
    The  Filter window appears.

  2. As required, specify values in the filter sections.

  3. To view the results of your search criteria, click Apply Filter.

    To modify an existing filter, search for the filter in the Saved Filter field. Make any changes as required and click Update Filter.

  4. Click Save Template to save the search criteria. The Save Filter window appears.

  5. In the Name field, specify a name with which you can identify the search.

  6. Select the appropriate View Permissions and Edit Permissions. Choose between All, Only me, and Specific Users.
    If you select Specific Users, select the users from the Available list and move them to the Selected list.
  7. Click Save.

    The saved search is created, and it appears as an option in the Saved Filter field.

    To modify your saved searches, navigate to WFO > Workforce Management > Configuration > Saved Searches to access them.

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