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A module in a call flow fulfills two roles:

  • Defines the default message (phrases) used in Message Properties
  • Sets how the module acts using Call Flow Properties

Basic modules:

  • email: Allows you to trigger a transactional email from within a call flow.
  • end_call: Disconnects the call. Not necessary after an AM message. Primarily used for indicating a message has been listened to completely, by applying a connector to this module. Will be a terminal module.
  • external_transfer: Bridges call to an external number. This 10 digit number should be a client-controlled external system, voicemail, IVR, call center, or a LiveVox voicemail (indicated by a number ending with *2). Will be a terminal module. 
  • identification: Continues phrases after the 'Introduction' module.  If AMD used finds live party, depending on connector (success), can then play Identification. Can accept keypresses for branching logic. Outbound call flows only.
  • introduction: First module added to outbound call flows.  First messaging module (should be kept to 3-5 prompts) and where answering machine detection can take place. Outbound call flows only.
  • live_person: Used to play a message then immediately terminate. Should NOT be used when AM has been detected.  Option to automatically replay in Spanish. Outbound or Inbound call flows. 
  • machine: Used to play a message then immediately terminate. Should only be used when connector after Introduction "Is Answering Machine?" is Yes.  Outbound call flows only.
  • menu: Audible menu used to present key press options, 0-9 and *. Configure keypress outcomes using connectors. Outbound or Inbound call flows. 
  • operator_transfer: Utilized to transfer a caller to an agent. This is where you set hold phrases, whisper settings, classification ID, and others.  Outbound or Inbound call flows. Will be a terminal module. 
  • voicemail: Provides inclusive voicemail support for the inbound group and agent voicemail options within the system.

Advanced modules:

  • alt_language: Causes the remaining IVR to play in alternate language with valid key-stroke (and can loop back to the beginning); invalid key-stroke or no input plays remaining IVR in the default language. Default and alternate languages are configurable. Outbound or Inbound call flows. 
  • billingtree_check: Allows configuration for real-time payment integrations with the payment processor Billing Tree for checks.
    billingtree_creditcard: Allows configuration for real-time payment integrations with the payment processor Billing Tree for credit cards.
  • check: Used to collect checking account information (Bank Routing Number, Bank Account Number, and Check Number) for further payment process. It can be configured to ask inbound callers to confirm the numbers entered. If the entered checking account information is valid, each number will be stored to corresponding variables after returning to the call flow.
  • check_agent: Determines if any agents are logged in or not, branching depending on the outcome. Generally after check_call_center.  Inbound call flows only.
  • check_call_center: Checks if the inbound hours are open or closed, branching depending on the outcome. Generally the first module on Inbound call flows. Inbound call flows only.
  • condition: Boolean condition module - Evaluates an expression and returns success or failure to determine the next steps in the call flow. If the conditional expression evaluates to true, the call flow will follow the 'success' branch (based on a 'success' event) and if the conditional expression evaluates to false, the call flow will follow the 'failure' branch (based on a 'failure' event). Outbound or Inbound call flows.
  • conference_room: Provides Conference Room services via CFE configuration.  The Inbound conference phone number is configured in the Phones Editor. This module allows for configuring of Max Participants (10 default and max value) and Conference Room PIN number. Standard phrasings included within the module are, “Please enter your PIN then pound.”, “Your entry does not match our records.”, and “You are now connected.”  These phrases are not configurable.
  • consent: Tracks incoming SMS for keywords so that consent flags and DNC entries can be updated automatically.  
  • credit_card: Collects and validates basic credit card information (credit card number, expiration date, and security code) for further payment process. Offers ability to set the type of credit card to accept (e.g. Visa, MasterCard, Amex, etc.) and whether or not the caller should confirm the credit card number. If the entered credit card information is valid, each number will be stored to corresponding variables after returning to the call flow.
  • entering_digits: Takes the keypresses entered by the client and stores them in the specified data field.  Will not perform any validation. 
  • extension_transfer: Provides the ability to offer extension-based routing for inbound callers to reach specific agents who are assigned LV extensions as configured in the Agent Editor.
  • http: Provides the capability to configure web services interactions by supplying the web services URL, parameters, credentials, timeout, and variables to store the response result.  The parameters allow the user to configure it with notation specifying where the source of the value comes from. The outcomes are saved as Variables and interact with the call flow using the Call Flow Variables button.
  • payment_amount: Used to obtain the desired payment amount from the customer. It can be configured to validate if the entered amount falls in desired minimum and maximum amount. If the amount is valid, it can be stored at a designated variable.
  • qc_amd_transfer: Incorporates both answering machine detection and operator transfer functionality into call flow editor.  This mirrors the same functionality utilized by the legacy QC_ALL_TYPE message template to now support these service types within CFE to include QC, Preview All, and Manual.
  • record: Allows audio to be recorded within an IVR call flow which in turn would be available through the existing call recording infrastructure.  For example, an automated IVR survey and response call flow where the customer is given the opportunity to leave a recorded message in response to a question or questions.

  • schedule_callback: Allows callers to leave their callback number and to request a same-day callback time should they decide to opt-out of the transfer hold queue.  The LV User can set a condition configuring the time in seconds threshold on when to offer this option to callers on hold.  Information can be given to the caller providing their Estimated Wait Time or Position in Queue (or both) should that caller enter the hold queue after a configurable amount of time (for example > 30 seconds). This module also provides the Virtual Callback option which can be activated by setting 'Enable callback by order' to 'true' and configuring the subsequent phrases to support this option. Activating the Virtual Callback option allows the users to call the customer back in the order the initial call was received.
  • silence_detection: Used to detect a short silence (in the customer call, usually after terminating a hold queue on transferred calls. This allows the system to know when an agent has answered the call in order to take the next step in the call flow. The default (configurable) Silence Detection Threshold is set to 2000 milliseconds.
  • sms: Allow users to configure the SMS message by retrieving the message from the HTTP module, where it communicates via web services to return the desired text.
  • speak: Used for generating TTS (text to speech) prompts to the caller as configured from within the IVR.
  • speech_recognition: Used for speech recognition, allowing the customer’s speech to be recognized and grammatically transcribed as text to be used as input and interaction with the IVR.
  • variable_assignment: Assigns values to variables.
  • verification: Compares an entered value against a field from the database, with different routes for success or failure. Mainly used for SSN or DOB validation. Must be after a successful account_lookup  or phone_lookup on an Inbound call flow. Outbound or Inbound call flows. 
  • virtual_assistant: Creates an intelligent voice-enabled and versatile multi-channel digital assistant. This module constructs required data to initialize a BOT, communicate with this BOT, and process the result to interact with the LiveVox platform.
  • wait_for_patient: A message that repeats until a key is pressed or the menu times out, designed to stall waiting for a keypress. Generally used for when a wrong party needs to give the call to the right party. Outbound or Inbound call flows.

Upgrading modules

The Call Flow Editor displays a notification if a newer version of any module in a call flow is available. To upgrade a module, double-click the module to open it and click Ok to save the module. The module is upgraded. 

Upgrading a module and the call flow does not update the corresponding message automatically. You must create a new message and associate this message with the updated call flow.

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