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LiveVox’s Secure Payment Capture (SPC) ensures some of the highest levels of payment data security without compromising compliance.

SPC is a multichannel payment processing feature that allows your customers to pay using Interactive Voice Response (IVR) or by connecting with an agent on a channel of their choice, through the click of a button from the Agent Desktop. 

SPC enables you to meet the Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance requirements including encryption, secure data storage, and call and screen recordings. 


SPC allows you to:

  • Pause all call recordings of payment data.
  • Eliminate the agent’s ability to view customer payment card information. Agents see Obtained as the customer progresses through the payment process, and receive either a Processed or Failure notification depending on if the payment was successful.
  • Maintain reporting, recording, and encryption of remaining interaction data.


With SPC, you can:

  • Enable your customers to self-serve for common issues, such as making a payment.
  • Maintain a connection between customer and agent throughout the process.
  • Simplify the payment processing experience for both customers and agents.
  • Accommodate any payment scenario and any payment entry form by using U-Script.
  • Expect a positive impact on key metrics, such as average handle time and conversion rate.

Accessing the Secure Payment Capture Feature

You can configure SPC widgets using the Agent Desktop Extended Panel. To configure these widgets, navigate to Configure > Agents > Agent Desktop and select the Agent Panel + Extended Panel option.

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