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The Voice monitor dashboard is a monitor dashboard for the voice channel and refers to the window that appears when you click the Voice tab on the monitor dashboard. This dashboard displays call statistics within widgets. You can configure the widgets of the Voice monitor dashboard through the GUI settings.

The Voice Monitor dashboard provides information about outbound, blended, and inbound calls for the current day including:

  • Agent activities in relation to the calls
  • The outcome and costs of the calls
  • Campaign statistics
  • Hold queue statistics

The information displayed on the Voice Monitor dashboard depends on whether you are accessing the Enterprise, Call Center, or Service level of LVP. You can add monitoring widgets to the following levels:

  • Enterprise
  • Call Center
  • Service
  • Service Group 

The three types of call direction (outbound, blended, and inbound) are represented by the respective tabs on the Voice tab of the monitor dashboard.