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You can use the Inbound Efficiency Report to view key performance indicators (KPIs) pertaining to inbound call management.

  • You can generate this report for a time period that is not more than 31 days. If you want to generate a report for additional time period, contact the LiveVox Customer Care Team.
  • You can generate the report only up to the last 90 days from the current date.

  • All the time values in the report are represented in Eastern Time.
  • The report is available to the following user roles with access to the inbound service:
    • Auditor
    • SysAdmin
    • Super User
    • Report Viewer
    • Manager

Search Criteria for Generating the Report

The Inbound Efficiency Report window contains the following fields, which you can use to specify the criteria for generating the report.

Dates (MM/DD/YYYY)

This field enables you to specify the date range for the report. It contains the following subfields:

  • From: Start date 
  • To: End date 

The field also contains the calendar icon, which displays the Date Picker window. This window contains the following tabs:

  • Range: Enables you to specify the time period for the report
  • MultiSelect: Enables you to specify multiple sequential or non-sequential dates for the report
Hour Of Day Range

This field enables you to specify the time period for each day in the date range for the report. It contains the following subfields:

  • From: Start time
  • To: End time

The time in the subfields is represented in the 24-hour time notation, in the following format: HH:MM:SS

where HH is hours, MM is minutes, and SS is seconds.

If you do not specify a value in the subfields, the start time and the end time are considered to be 04:00:00 and 03:59:00, respectively.

Call Center

This field enables you to specify the call center for the report.

To add multiple call centers:

  1. Click the ellipsis icon
    The Select Call Center window appears.
  2. In the Available column, select the call centers for which you want to generate the report.
    The selected call centers appear in the Assigned column.

    • To add all available call centers, click Assign All.
    • To remove the assigned call centers, select them in the Assigned column.
    • To remove all assigned call centers, click Remove All.
  3. Click OK.


This field enables you to specify only the inbound and blended services for the report. If you have already specified a call center, only the inbound and blended services that are available for the specified call center appear in this field.

To add multiple services:

  1. Click the ellipsis icon
    The Select Service window appears.
  2. In the Available column, select the services for which you want to generate the report.
    The selected services appear in the Assigned column.

    • To add all available services, click Assign All.
    • To remove the assigned services, select them in the Assigned column.
    • To remove all assigned services, click Remove All.
  3. Click OK.
Breakdown by Call Center/Service

This checkbox allows the breakdown of each call center's activity as opposed to the total for the enterprise, in the report.

Group By Interval

This checkbox, which is not required, enables you to divide the entire data of a day into a 15-minute, 30-minute, or 1-hour interval. It contains the following options, which you can select if you select this checkbox:

  • 15 Min(s)
  • 30 Min(s)
  • 1 Hr(s)

If you select the checkbox, data pertaining to only one day is considered when generating the report.

SL Target (%)

SL Target (%) is the targeted percentage of inbound calls that are answered or abandoned within a defined time threshold. The value in this field is critical for managing inbound traffic. 

  • The time threshold for a client or a service is specified in the Service Level Seconds field, which appears in the KPI Settings section on their Settings tab. The default time threshold is 20 seconds. You can, however, modify the value.
  • The time threshold for a service overwrites that for its client.

If you specify a value in this field, the service level percentage that is less than the specified value appears in red in the report you generate.

CampaignThis field enables you to specify a campaign for the report.
Service Group

Service Group is a system that defines the outbound services to which agents must be logged on to receive calls from inbound services and outbound blending services. Grouping the metrics in a report based on a Service Group allows you better visibility into an agent's efficiency across all the services (including inbound) in which they are engaged.

You can specify a value in this field only if a Service Group exists.

Generate Report

To generate the Inbound Efficiency Report, click Generate Report. The report generates the following data after the calls are fully reported:

DateDate when the call was launched
Total CallsCount of connected calls
OfferedCount of attempted transfers to agents
HandledCount of calls transferred to agents
AbandonedCount of calls that failed to transfer to agents
Abandon RatePercentage of abandoned calls (that is, (Abandoned / Offered) * 100)
Service Level

((Count of calls answered within the time threshold + Count of calls abandoned within the time threshold) / Offered) * 100

  • The time threshold is specified in the Service Level Seconds field, which appears in the KPI Settings section on the Settings tab of a client or service.
  • The time threshold for a service overwrites that for its client.
Avg. Speed of Answer (ASA)Call hold duration / Offered
Avg. Abandon TimeCall hold duration / Abandoned
Total Talk TimeTotal duration for which the agent was on the call
Total Hold Time

Total duration for which the agent was on hold

Total Wrapup TimeTotal duration for which the agent was in the wrapup state
Total Handle Time

Total Talk Time + Total Hold Time + Total Wrap Time

Average Talk TimeTotal Talk Time Handled
Average Hold TimeAverage time that your customers are placed on hold by agents during calls
Average Wrapup TimeTotal Wrap Time / Handled
Average Handle Time

Total Handle Time / Handled

  • The sum of the values in each column except the Date column appears in the last row of the table.
  • You can export the report to an Excel, CSV, or PDF file by using the Export button.
  • You can print the report by using the Print button.
  • No labels