Page tree

The Knowledge Portals tab, which appears in the Knowledge Base Config window, displays all the KB portals. In addition to creating a portal, you can use the tab to view, modify, copy, filter, and delete articles. The following table describes some of the columns that appear on the Knowledge Portals tab.

For information about the remaining columns, see KB Portal Field Descriptions.

PublishedCheckbox to indicate if the portal is published.
LVP Default

Indicates if the portal can be previewed in the Knowledge Portal window of the LiveVox Portal (LVP).

To preview a portal, select the row displaying the portal, and then click Reset LVP Default

Last Modified
  • Modifier: ID of the user who last modified the portal.
  • Date: Date when the portal was last modified, in your time zone.
  • Creator: ID of the user who created the portal.
  • Date: Date when the portal was created, in your time zone.
  • Version: Version of the portal.
  • You can filter the portals in the table by specifying the partial or full name or description of the portal in the Search box.
  • You can display or hide certain columns in the table. To do so, click the arrow next to any column or sub-column heading, and then use the Columns option. To display or hide the Name, PUBLISHED, and LVP Default columns, click the arrow next to any of the three column headings, and then use the Columns option.
  • You can sort the portal values in a column in ascending or descending order by clicking the column or sub-column heading once or twice as required. Alternatively, you can click the arrow next to the column or sub-column heading, and then click Sort Ascending or Sort Descending.
  • You can lock or unlock a column or sub column by clicking the arrow next to the column or sub-column heading and then using the Lock or Unlock option.
  • You can refresh the table by using the reset iconrefresh icon.
  • No labels