You can use the Settings tab of the Agent Scheduling window to define the work schedule for agents, approval workflows for requests sent by agents, and thresholds for compliance. Depending on the settings, agents can perform the following actions on the Agent Desktop: - View their work calendar
- Request leave
- Request swapping of shifts
- You must configure these settings before you create a shift.
- All times will be displayed in Eastern Time.
To define a shift (such as the first day of the week, time format, start and end time, and the duration of break); allow shift notifications; and to allow agents to swap shifts and request leaves, in addition to configuring the respective approval workflows: - Click the Settings tab.
On the General subtab, specify values in the following fields. First day of the week: This field contains the days of the week as options. Select the day when you want the work week to begin for a shift. Time format: If you want the time in the shift to appear in the 12-hour time format, select 1:00 pm. If you want the time in the shift to appear in the 24-hour time format, select 13:00. Open time: Select the start time of the shift. Close time: Select the end time of the shift. Default break duration: Select the duration of the break. Shift Notifications On: Select this checkbox only if you want agents to be notified when their shift is about to begin after five minutes or when the shift begins.
Allow agents to swap shifts: Select this checkbox only if you want to enable agents to request swapping of their shifts with other agents. The agent who receives a shift swapping request can accept or reject the request. |
Require manager approval for swaps: Select this checkbox only if you want the shift swapping requests to be sent to the shift manager for approval. The shift manager is the user that appears in the Manager for approvals field on the Shift Details tab of the Agent Scheduling window. |
Allow agents to request time off: Select this checkbox only if you want to enable agents to request leave.
Require manager approval for time off requests: Select this checkbox only if you want leave requests to be sent to the leave manager for approval.
The leave manager is the user that appears in the Manager column for the respective leave category on the Time Off Categories tab of the Agent Scheduling window. |
- Click Save.
The general settings are configured.
To view, approve, or reject the requests sent by agents, use the Work Queue option in the Quality Monitoring section of the WFO tab. |
To create a category for leave (for example, PTO, sick leave, and training): - Click the Settings tab, and then the Time Off Categories subtab.
A table appears, displaying the following columns:- Time Off Category
- Description
- Manager
- Delete
- Click Add.
A blank row appears in the table. - In the blank row, in the Time Off Category column, enter the category in the cell.
- If required, in the blank row, in the Description column, enter a description of the category in the cell.
- In the blank row, in the Manager column, in the cell, select the name of the manager who must be notified of the leave request.
- Click Save.
The leave category is created.
To delete a leave category: - In the row containing the category, in the Delete column, click
. - Click Save.
The Warning window appears. - Click Yes.
To create a work area for a shift (for example, IT, sales, security, and support): - Click the Settings tab and then the Areas subtab.
A table appears, displaying the Areas, Description, and Delete columns. - Click Add.
A blank row appears in the table. - In the blank row, in the Areas column, enter the area in the cell.
- If required, in the blank row, in the Description column, enter a description of the area in the cell.
- Click Save.
The work area is created.
To delete a work area: - In the row containing the area, in the Delete column, click
. - Click Save.
The Warning window appears. - Click Yes.