The following table contains key terms used within the LiveVox environment.



3CX Web Client

A browser-based private branch exchange (PBX) solution for LiveVox. The 3CX Web Client enables you to display and contact other PBX entries on a Team page, select a physical device or browser and make a call, use the Chat and Meet features, create and display Contacts and Voicemail greetings, and customize the Settings including Status behaviors and View preferences.

10-Digit Manual with Transfer (10DMT) service

A human-initiated service in which a 10-Digit Manual with Transfer (10DMT) agent must manually enter all 10 digits of a telephone number on the keypad to launch a call. If answered, the call is routed to a Closer Agent who speaks with the customer. This legacy LiveVox service has been replaced with the Human Call Initiator (HCI) service.

10DMT agent

The agent who is logged in to the 10DMT service.


The agent's acknowledgment of the receipt or evaluation performed on their audio recordings.

Automatic Call Distributor (ACD)

A telephony tool that routes incoming calls to available contact center agents based on agent skills and agent readiness state. This term applies to voice calls.


The end-user of a LiveVox Agent Desktop who handles voice or digital customer interactions.

Agent Desktop

The customizable interface that agents use to view customer information, use interaction-handling tools, and assign disposition codes. The layout of the Agent Desktop can vary based on service type (such as HCI or Preview) and user role (such as Voice Agent, Digital Agent, or Knowledge Worker).

Agent Desktop Native (ADN)An installable application on an agent's local computer that provides agents with browser-independent access to the Agent Desktop. Only the ADN version of the Agent Desktop supports screen recording, and the ADN version does not support Inline Frames (iFrames) that are used to embed websites into a Designer Agent Desktop.
Agent Panel

The leftmost pane on an Agent Desktop that supports navigation among channels and provides call control and digital interaction features appropriate to the current service and desktop layout. The Agent Panel is always present for Voice Agent, Digital Agent, and Knowledge Worker desktop layouts.

Agent Schedule

An optional element on a Designer Agent Desktop that shows the date and time when an agent is scheduled to be at work, on break, or on leave from work. Use the Agent Scheduling tool to create and manage shifts and other schedule settings.

Agent Skill

A qualification assigned to an agent that corresponds to an attribute of a call. For example, if a call is classified as Spanish, the Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) attempts to route the call to an agent who can speak Spanish, based on their proficiency (level of expertise). Agent Skills and Proficiency levels are assigned in the Agent Details window.

Agent Summary Report

This report summarizes agent-level metrics for selected periods of time. Unlike the Agent Activity Report which provides a day-by-day breakout, the Agent Summary Report can provide aggregate information for multiple days. This report is valuable for quickly viewing an agent's overall metrics or comparing those metrics with the average of other agents.

Agent Teams

LiveVox services can route calls to agents based on teams, which are groups of agents. If a service is configured to use Agent Teams as its Preferred Routing, calls are distributed to the group of agents regardless of the services they are signed into. (In contrast, Service Group routing distributes calls only to agents who are logged into the services assigned to the service group.) Each agent can be assigned to only one agent team, which is displayed on the Info tab of the Agent Details window.

Analytics DashboardThis report provides a visual representation of campaign results, so managers and supervisors can evaluate the success of their campaigns from the previous day, week, or month. They can use this information to identify the need to alter campaigns based on customer-contact patterns. Only statistics for campaigns that have completed their dialing are included in this report.
Application Program Interface (API)A programming code that connects one software product with another. APIs help integrate the LiveVox platform with third-party applications, such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems that are used to manage accounts and contact lists. You can also use APIs to build custom applications that use LiveVox features, such as Agent Desktops and reporting dashboards.
API-Enabled service

A service that allows manual dialing of desktop Application Programming Interface (API) integrations.

ArbitrationA form of dispute resolution. The dispute can be resolved by one or more arbitrators.
ArbitratorThe user who is responsible for reviewing disputed evaluations.
Assessor application

An application used to create scorecards to evaluate an agent's work, task lists for evaluating audio recordings, and tools for querying and evaluating individual recordings. An Assessor reviews audio recordings using the scorecards created in the application.

Attempt SupervisorAn optional tool to set limits for the maximum number of contact attempts to make for each account, email address, or telephone number. Attempt Supervisor is designed to help companies adhere to a contact compliance plan to mitigate risk. Attempt Supervisor supports attempt limits for digital campaigns, as well as voice campaigns, which most commonly use the HCI, Manual, and Outbound service types. Attempt Supervisor replaces the earlier Phone Dial Attempt Supervisor (PDAS) tool starting in version U17.
Automatic Number Identification (ANI)

If an inbound telephone number is associated with more than one customer account, the LiveVox ANI match feature presents a list of possible matching accounts. Agents can then select the correct account for this interaction, or associate the interaction with a unique account.

Basic service

A blended multichannel service that supports inbound and outbound interactions. Features include:

  • Outbound and inbound voice
  • Attended automated voice campaigns
  • Automated and inbound email and SMS campaigns
  • Bidirectional email, SMS, and chat communication
  • Click-enabled voice, email, or SMS

The Basic service does not support the following features:

  • Preview All campaigns
  • HCI or 10DMT campaigns
  • Unattended voice campaigns
  • Whisper voice campaigns`
Business Intelligence (BI)Business Intelligence incorporates interactions and analytics that affect campaign and agent performance. For more information, see the LiveVox U-BI solution.
Business UnitUsers can define Business units to help organize their company into divisions. Business units can be assigned at the Contact Center and Agent Team levels.
Call BlendingThis feature enables agents to receive call traffic from an Inbound or Outbound service that they are not signed into, even as they participate in outbound campaigns on their service. Call Blending is enabled through Service Groups.
Call Center

A logical grouping of services used for reporting and controlling user access. In the LiveVox Portal hierarchy, Call or Contact Centers are listed under the Enterprise-level client (labeled Call Centers in the LVP) and contain various assigned Services. Generally, use Contact Center instead of Call Center to include all LiveVox digital and voice services.

Call Controls

Different controls for handling calls appear on the agent panel after a voice call is bridged, depending on
the features implemented at a client site. The number and appearance of the controls vary depending on
the version of LiveVox software installed.

Call/Contact Detail Report (CDR)

This report provides details for every account contacted during a selected date range. The report is exported as a text file using the selected Report Format, which applies filters to include or exclude certain service types, automated system vs. agent-assigned outcomes, or other defined criteria.

Call Flow EditorSee Contact Flow Engine.
Call Recording Report

This report generates a searchable record of all call recordings based on selected filters. For example, managers might need to search for a particular call to resolve a dispute, and then specify the Report Format (such as a CSV file) to generate a copy of the call records. If screen recordings are available, this report includes those records.

Caller-ID Name (CNAM)The Caller-ID Name that is displayed on an incoming phone call. In LiveVox, outbound calls can be configured with customized Caller NAMe (CNAM) information.
Calls In Progress (CIP)

The number of calls currently in progress on the assigned service.

CampaignA collection of customer records for a business to contact using a specified Outbound service and following a compliant contact strategy. Campaigns can contact customers by telephone, email, or SMS (mobile phone message).
Clicker Agent

An agent who uses the Human Call Initiator (HCI) service to launch calls manually to customers who have not previously consented to be contacted by telephone.

ClientA LiveVox Portal with a unique ID. The Client editor establishes the default settings at the enterprise level to use throughout the portal, such as contact retention and rules. Service-level settings, if set, supersede the default Client-level settings.
Collaborative BrowsingAgents who start a webchat voice call (web call) with a customer can initiate collaborative browsing or co-browsing to visually guide the customer to a solution on their browser screen. If the customer accepts the co-browsing request, a co-browsing window on the Agent Desktop displays the page on which the customer accessed the web widget, with the agent and customer mouse pointers labeled to distinguish between them. The page refreshes as the customer moves the mouse.
Closer AgentThe agent who answers calls is manually initiated either from Clicker Agents (HCI service) or 10-Digit Manual with Transfer agents (10DMT service).
Common Short Code (CSC)A short telephone number unique to each operator, usually consisting of 5 or 6 digits, used to address SMS and MMS messages from a cellular telephone, typically for mass outreach. Common shortcodes can also be called mobile shortcodes or short numbers.
Configure tab

This tab enables users with sufficient permissions to configure settings in the LiveVox Portal (LVP).


A transaction in which a connection between a LiveVox dialing system and a caller is established, resulting in billable minutes. For outbound transactions, this also includes a connection to the telephony equipment (for example, answering machines, fax machines, and network voicemail systems) of the receiver.

Contact CenterA logical grouping of services used for reporting and controlling user access. In the LiveVox Portal hierarchy, Contact Centers are listed under the Enterprise-level client (labeled Call Centers in the LVP) and contain various assigned services. Generally, use the term Contact Center instead of Call Center to include all LiveVox digital and voice services.
Contact Flow EngineA tool in the LiveVox Portal (LVP) used to define the flow (message path) of any type of communication (call, chat, email, SMS, or WhatsApp) between an organization and its customers. You use a contact flow to create messages for different steps of communication, which are then assigned to services for use. The Contact Flow Engine was previously called the Call Flow Editor.
Contact Manager (CM)

A centralized location on the LVP to store and maintain customer contacts. Contact Manager helps you organize a large number of contacts and customer data, manage customer attributes, such as consent preference for each channel of communication, maintain interaction and scheduled callback history, and provide advanced search and segmentation capabilities.

ContactsContacts are customer records that typically contain account, contact, and consent information. LiveVox manages contacts through Contact Manager, a feature-rich tool for filtering and updating customer records.
Custom RoleAdministrators can create new System > Roles based on existing roles to specify the permissions for a certain type of users need. This new role can then be maintained for all users assigned to that role instead of managing custom permissions individually.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)Technology for managing all of a company’s relationships and interactions with customers and potential customers. LiveVox uses Contact Manager as its CRM. The Unified Customer Relationship Management (U-CRM) desktop enables agents to manage the customer connection and customer records in the same window.
Designer Agent Desktop

Customers who implement the optional Unified Customer Relationship Management (U-CRM) feature can use the Designer configuration tool to create customized U-CRM panes within their Agent Desktops that support their particular user and business needs. A Designer Agent Desktop is also called a U-CRM Agent Desktop or an Agent Panel with Designer Desktop.

Dial StrategyThe dialing or contact rules that define which telephone numbers to contact from a customer record for a campaign, and whether to dial additional numbers if a contact attempt fails. Currently, every type of Voice and SMS campaign must use a Dial Strategy.
Digital Agent Desktop

An Agent Desktop layout that is optimized for agents who handle chat, email, and SMS interactions. The central area of the screen is enlarged so agents can more easily display and respond to digital messages.

Direct Inward Dialing (DID)A block of telephone numbers provided by a telephone company for people to call into a company's private branch exchange (PBX) system. Companies use DID or direct-dial numbers to provide individual phone numbers for their employees or workstations. Voice agents who use a telephone for their audio connection typically dial a DID number when they log in.
DispositionWhen you assign a final outcome to customer interaction for tracking purposes, as in "disposition a call". These final or termination codes are sometimes called disposition codes.
Do Not Call/Contact (DNC) ListPhone numbers, account numbers, or unique account/phone combinations that restrict contact with customers. Do Not Call applies to telephone numbers, while Do Not Contact applies to all types of contact including email and SMS messages. Options include permanently or temporarily removing a contact number from the list.
Do Not Dial (DND) OptionOn a Designer Agent Desktop, agents can update customer records in the optional Unified Customer Relationship Management (U-CRM) pane to remove consent to dial a telephone number, either permanently or just for the day.
EmailElectronic messages sent from one computer user to one or more recipients in a network. LiveVox supports both email campaigns and bidirectional email messaging.
EnterpriseThe uppermost level of client settings in the LiveVox Portal. On the Configure tab, the enterprise level of operation is set under Services > Client. On the Monitor tab, the Call Centers item is the enterprise-level object for a client and contains all the call centers (or contact centers) configured for that client.
EvaluationReview of an audio recording using scorecards.
Failed Operator Report

This report provides details for call attempts coded as Failed Operator Transfer to give managers insight into who abandoned a call (the customer or the agent), and how long the customer stayed on the call before it ended. You can use this report to identify calls abandoned by customers and assign an agent to reach out to those contacts. Failed Operator Transfer information can also be found under the campaign Real-Time Reports (RTR).

Fields editor

A LiveVox tool used to create custom fields to manage your customer interactions, and define the data type for those fields. The Fields editor can identify, report, segment (group), and store the data points for each business. Custom fields must be defined in the Fields editor before they can be used in Contact Manager, Segmentation, or the Contact Flow Engine.

Four CloudsThe LiveVox suite of four separate dialing solutions for Voice outreach provide high levels of risk mitigation while helping to drive performance and efficiency. You select the dialing solutions based on business needs and include Manual, Preview-All, Human Call Initiator (HCI), and Automated services.
Graphical User Interface (GUI) Settings

A feature accessed through the user (avatar) menu on the LVP that allows the user to specify general configuration settings and the widgets (windows) to display on the Monitor dashboard for a given level of view (enterprise, call/contact center, or service).

Happiness Index

The Happiness Index is a customer satisfaction and trend snapshot of a contact based on calculated sentiment scores of past interactions. The Happiness Index provides managers with criteria to identify, segment, or group contacts for special outreach campaigns or route them to specialty agents.

Human Call Initiator (HCI) service

With this human-initiated service, a Clicker Agent manually launches calls to customers who have not previously consented to be contacted by telephone. Any answered calls are bridged to a Closer Agent who speaks with the customer. The HCI service helps businesses optimize their compliance with government regulations regarding unsolicited telephone calls that are launched by an automated system.

Human Text Initiator (HTI) ServiceLiveVox supports an SMS version of the HCI service. A Clicker Agent can manually launch SMS messages to customers who have not previously consented to be contacted on their mobile device. Customer responses are routed to an inbound queue just like any other SMS message.
Inbound (IB) serviceA service that receives and directs callers using a designated Interactive Voice Response (IVR). IB services can be configured to route calls to agent teams, to certain outbound services using service groups, to themselves using service routing, to voicemail boxes, to a self-service IVR, or to a combination of these.
Input filter

A utility for importing client-provided data files into the LiveVox database. Input filters range from simple field mapping to complex data transformation (converting data from one format to another). You can use multiple input filters simultaneously to allow different business units with different Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems or file formats to use the same LiveVox services.

InteractionThe preferred term for customer interactions with the LiveVox system. Voice calls, chat sessions, email and SMS messages, and voicemail are all forms of customer interaction.
Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

An automated telephone system technology where callers can access information through prerecorded messages without having to speak to an agent. Typically, callers select menu options using a touchtone keypad or speech recognition to have their call routed to the desired destination.

  • Outbound IVR: An automated outbound service configured to place the called party, upon live answer detection, in the IVR. This strategy is frequently employed to ensure a right party contact (RPC) prior to an attempt to route the call to an agent.
  • Self-Service IVR: An automated service applicable to an outbound or inbound IVR. It is a contact management strategy in which the called party can serve themselves.
  • Inbound IVR: An automated inbound service configured to place the caller in the IVR to gather information prior to routing the caller to an agent.
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)A measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving its key business objectives. 
Knowledge Base (KB) Portal

An optional, online library of information stored in the form of articles, which are either files or content from integrated websites. A KB portal provides a centralized database for collecting, organizing, retrieving, and sharing information. See also U-KB.

Knowledge Worker Desktop

An Agent Desktop layout that is optimized for back-office users who might need to support agents with specialized technical or account information. The Knowledge Worker version of the Agent Desktop connects
specialists with agents through communications channels on the Agent Panel and can optionally convert
a chat call into a video call. They can also launch the Meetings application from the left pane.

Line 2 – Direct

An agent can be configured with a 10-digit Direct Inward Dial (DID) number with voicemail for customers to contact the agent directly. The direct line is available through the Agent Panel. Line 2 - Direct can be referred to as the agent's second line, agent DID, or direct-inbound dial.

LiveVox Portal (LVP)

The browser-based administrative tool for the LiveVox platform. LVP provides controls for basic tasks, such as agent and user administration, list management, and reporting, and advanced tools, such as the compliance suite, contact flow (IVR), and options to customize and monitor the platform.

LiveVox Unified Analytics

LiveVox Unified Analytics incorporates all interactions that affect campaign and agent performance, from comprehensive scorecards to multichannel analytics. The Performance Analytics dashboards display the collated and organized data points related to inbound and outbound calls, chats, emails, and SMS statistics, and can include personalized dashboards with customized Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Lite User

A user who has permission to view and download reports or attachments from the LiveVox Portal, but cannot configure the portal settings. Lite user roles include Auditor, Report Admin, Client Auditor, and Alerts Only.

Local Caller ID (LCID)

This feature displays a caller ID number that is local, or near-local, to target customers on outbound dialing. When a customer dials the number, the LCID package routes the call to the appropriate inbound group. 

LVP Mobile

The ability to access the LiveVox Portal (LVP) using a mobile device. The user account must be administered with an email address for the user to access LVP Mobile.

Manual Service

A human-initiated service in which an agent must manually enter all 10 digits of a telephone number on a keypad to launch an outbound call, or manually select a phone number to launch from the Designer Agent Desktop. Typically, agents look up information about each customer before launching the call and tie any information received back to the customer account number. Manual services can also receive Inbound calls.

MessageA pre-recorded system voice message that is provided when a customer dials an inbound number. A service is assigned a single message, but a message can be assigned to multiple services.
Monitor tab

This tab enables users with sufficient permissions to view and supervise all current activities on the enterprise, call/contact center, service group, service, or agent level through the LiveVox Portal (LVP).

Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)A standard way to send messages that include multimedia content to and from a mobile phone over a cellular network. MMS is also called a PXT, a picture message, or a multimedia message. MMS extends the Short Message Service (SMS) text-only capability, allowing the exchange of text messages longer than 160 characters in a variety of media.
Non-ConnectA transaction in which an attempted connection between the LiveVox outbound dialing system and a caller is not established. Non-connects are generally due to the following reasons: No Answer, Busy, and Invalid Phone Number.
Not ReadyA non-productive status for agents. Reasons for being in a Not Ready state can include Break, Lunch, Meeting, Other, Technical Difficulties, and Training.
Open ShiftA slot in a schedule that is not currently filled.
Operator Transfer FailedA call transfer that was unsuccessful because the call failed to connect to an agent or an operator.
Optional Features

Many LiveVox features must be enabled before they appear on a Client portal. The features that are active on a system are indicated with a green checkmark ✅ on the Configure > Services > Client > Billing screen.

Phone Dial Attempt Supervisor (PDAS)

An optional tool to set limits for the maximum number of dialing attempts to make for each account or telephone number. PDAS is designed to help companies adhere to a contact compliance plan to mitigate risk, and is most commonly used for the HCI, Manual, and Outbound service types. In releases U15 and earlier, PDAS supports only voice calls; the newer Attempt Supervisor in version U17 supports both digital and voice attempt limits.

PhraseA combination of text words and an audio file that provides the voice message that an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) or an answering machine requires.
Phrases EditorA tool in the LiveVox Portal that provides the sound files needed by an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) menu. Administrators can use the Phrases editor to upload pre-recorded audio (sound) files. They can also create phrases from text verbiage that is converted to an audio file through the Advanced Text To Speech (TTS) feature if enabled.
Power User

A user who has permission to configure the LiveVox Portal. Typical power user roles include Sysadmin, Superuser, Manager, and IT user.

Preview-All Service

A human-initiated service that presents a customer record to an agent, who might consult the system of record before choosing to click the telephone number to launch the call, manually enter a different contact number, or skip the call for this customer today and move to the next record in the campaign. The same agent handles the call if answered.

Private Branch Exchange (PBX)A private telephone network used within a company or organization. A PBX system manages incoming and outgoing calls as well as an organization’s internal communications.
ProficiencyThe level of expertise assigned to an Agent Skill, used to prioritize call routing. Proficiency 1 is the highest level of expertise, and 10 is the lowest level.

Compliance policies that define dialing and messaging restrictions for customers based on country, region, or state, area code, day, and time of day. Profile policies define the acceptable days and hours that customers can be contacted through unsolicited telephone calls or SMS messages.

Promise to Pay (PTP)A common abbreviation for a termination code where the customer has promised to pay an outstanding balance by a certain date.
Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)The collection of interconnected voice-oriented public telephone networks that are both commercial and government-owned. It is also referred to as the Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS).
Quality Management (QM)The act of overseeing all activities and tasks that must be accomplished to maintain a desired level of excellence. LiveVox QM software allows customer interactions to be evaluated by supervisors, agents, and speech analytics systems to extract valuable perspectives on quality and compliance that can be used to coach agents. 
Quick Connect (QC) ServiceAn automated outbound service that immediately connects live answers with an available agent. This service is typically used for campaigns where the customers have consented previously to be contacted by telephone.
Quick ResponsebookA Quick Responsebook helps agents quickly and consistently respond to common Chat inquiries by selecting from a group of standard responses, which they can optionally customize before sending. To enable this, associate a Quick Responsebook with an Agent Desktop.
Ready StateThe productive state where the agent is handling calls or other customer interactions. Agents typically place themselves in a Ready state when they are available, or they might be forced into a Ready state by a supervisor or manager.
Real-Time Report (RTR)

A report that provides real-time metrics on Call Center, Service, or Campaign-level statistics. This report supports a start and end timeframe of up to 90 days. You can generate Real-Time Reports based on Call Centers, Campaigns, and Service Types.

Review tab

This tab enables users with sufficient permissions to view and generate reports for various operations through the LiveVox Portal (LVP). 

Right Party Connect (RPC)An automated service that places outbound calls which, if answered, play a pre-recorded message to the customer. The customer presses a key to indicate that they are the correct person (the Right Party) and then the call is routed to an agent. If customers indicate that this campaign has reached the wrong party, the call might be disconnected or routed to an agent for clarification.
Scheduled Callback

An optional feature where an agent arranges to contact a customer at a future time. Depending on the configuration, the same agent might handle the return call or the callback might be routed to a pool of agents assigned to that service.

Screen RecordingThe Agent Desktop Native (ADN) application supports the recording of all information on the monitors connected to an agent's desktop. If configured, screen recording starts as soon as the desktop enters an In-Call state, and ends after a disposition code is selected or the session is disconnected. Agents can optionally pause, resume, or stop screen recording using their configured Call Recording tools.
Secure File Transfer Protocol (Secure FTP or SFTP)A protocol to access, manage, and transfer files between LiveVox and external management systems that uses secure shell encryption to provide a high level of security. Also called Secure Shell or Secure Socket Shell (SSH) File Transfer Protocol.
Secure Payment Capture (SPC)

Widgets that support processing customer payments with the highest levels of data security and PCI compliance. The Secure Credit Card Payment (SCCP) and Secure Check Payment (SCP) tools provide instructions to guide agents through the payment-information-gathering process.

Sensitive Data MaskingFor inbound messages (chat, email, SMS, or WhatsApp), agents can see sensitive customer data such as credit card number, date of birth, and social security number until the agent resolves the incomingmessage thread. Afterward, LiveVox automatically replaces the sensitive data with XXXX in reports and the customer interaction history.
SegmentA set of grouping rules attached to a segmentation template that divides a campaign into sub-campaigns based on data in the records.

A saved, sharable filter used to separate the contacts within a campaign into sub-campaigns (groups or segments) based on data within the contact fields. Different services can then treat each segment as needed, such as initiating contact by voice, SMS or email.


A virtual agent group assigned to a call/contact center that has predefined attributes, such as messaging, compliance rules, and termination codes. Services control the layout of the Agent Desktop and define the different customer contact methods and communications channels to use.

Service GroupA virtual grouping of services used for call routing or reporting. Service Groups (SGs) enable agents to receive traffic from any mapped Inbound or Outbound services, even if they are not currently signed into that service. Service Groups are used to blend traffic from Inbound services to agents working on Outbound campaigns, blend multiple outbound service traffic together with Call Priority, and define which services make up a Queue for queue-based transfers.
Service Based Routing (SBR)A call-assignment strategy used to route calls to the most suitable agent based on their skills. For example, if a call is classified as Spanish, the SBR attempts to route the call to an agent who can speak Spanish.
Shift SwapAn action where two agents swap schedule slots between themselves. Through the configuration settings, managers can decide if shift swaps require their approval.
Short Messaging Service (SMS)A high-capacity North American Short Messaging Service (SMS) that communicates with outbound dialing systems. SMS supports text messaging on mobile telephones in both the United States and Canada.
SkillAn Agent's Skill helps managers classify agents for preferential routing of inbound or outbound traffic based on attributes the agents possess (such as multi-language capabilities), the type of clients they handle, or their proficiency (level of expertise) in handling certain types of interactions.
Speech IQThe optional Speech Analytics platform analyzes call recordings using interaction data, such as silence, talk time, keywords, agent or customer sentiments, and script compliance. View all the interaction data in a single place to accurately evaluate agent performance and identify training needs. Speech IQ processes the call data, performs automatic scoring of all calls with customized scorecards based on keywords and phrases, transcribes the calls, and prepares reports and alerts.

The rules that define which telephone numbers to contact from a customer record for a campaign, and whether to dial additional numbers if a contact attempt fails. Strategies include selection and sequencing of multiple phone numbers, auto-retry parameters, strategy-to-service association, and outcome-based requeue logic.


Secure Telephony Identity Revisited (STIR) and Signature-based Handling of Asserted information using toKENs (SHAKEN)

A set of protocols and guidelines mandated by the FCC to counter Caller ID spoofing on public networks.

Termination (Term) Code

After a customer interaction is complete, agents assign a configurable code to characterize the outcome of the interaction for tracking purposes. Termination codes can vary per Contact Center or Service. Termination codes are also called term codes or disposition codes.

Text to Speech (TTS)The ability of a machine to create an audio file or pronounce words based on written text. The LiveVox Portal provides this service as part of the Phrases editor.

The optional Unified Chat platform is a web-enabled chat interface that creates a messaging service between a customer visiting a client's website and an agent working in a contact center. Customer-initiated conversation can be instantly routed to a group of agents, who can engage the consumer in a real-time dialog.


The Unified Customer Relationship Management (U-CRM) option integrates customer information and multiple communication channels into a single user interface on a Designer Agent Desktop, to optimize agent productivity and customer satisfaction. The layout of the U-CRM pane varies because each company selects the data and organization they need to optimize their business. Features include viewing contact information, interaction history, notes, and one-click dialing.


The optional Unified Knowledge Base (U-KB) portal helps agents or customers to assist themselves by accessing an online library of information about a product or service. The portal stores information in the form of articles created from files or integrated websites. Agents can use KB portals on their desktops to find information to assist their customers. If U-KB is added to a web widget, customers can attempt to find the information they need before deciding to chat with an agent.

U-QMThe optional LiveVox Unified Quality Management (U-QM) suite includes Work Force Optimization (WFO), Speech IQ, eLearning assignment, and Work Queue Management.
U-ScriptAn optional tool available through Designer to build dynamic scripts that guide agents through customized customer interactions, such as processing accounts, diagnosing issues, and fulfilling orders. The tool provides a set of navigation screens for an agent to traverse. An administrator can configure workflow, make API calls to external web-enabled platforms, and trigger automated actions. The information gathered through scripts is recorded in Contact Manager.

The optional LiveVox Ticketing system enables agents to create tickets to track customer service requests or issues. Administrators can manage tickets along with accounts, contacts, and notes, and configure ticket workflows, filters, settings, and displays. A set of dashboards provide insight into ticket volume and help track outstanding customer issues. Agents can access Ticketing features through a U-CRM pane in a Designer Agent Desktop.

Unattended service

An automated outbound service that immediately connects a call with an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) application. Regardless of the responses provided, the called party cannot be connected to an agent.

Unified AnalyticsLiveVox Unified Business Intelligence (U-BI) solution is renamed Unified Analytics. This solution incorporates interactions and analytics that affect campaign and agent performance.
UserThe end-user of the LiveVox Portal can be assigned different roles with distinct permissions.
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)A technology to deliver voice communications and multimedia sessions over Internet Protocol (IP) networks, such as the Internet.

An option for callers to leave a voice message for an agent. Group and Personal Voicemail messages are available through the Agent Panel.

WallboardAn optional web application that enables administrators to configure dashboards that display key performance indicators related to call center volume (inbound and outbound services) and agent or team productivity. The Wallboard application can display real-time metrics for the overall performance of a call center and highlight real-time problems that require the attention of a manager or supervisor. You can display the dashboard on any screen or office monitor for private or public view. Generally, a dashboard that appears on a large screen is called a wallboard.  

Web Real-Time Communication (RTC) technology supports voice connectivity through an Internet browser or mobile phone. LiveVox agents and managers use WebRTC when they establish an audio connection through their computer instead of using their telephone.

Web WidgetAn independent application that clients can embed into their website to provide their customers and visitors with a single support system. LiveVox web widgets enable customers to chat with an agent, access Knowledge Base (KB) articles, or submit tickets.
WFO tab

An optional tab in the LiveVox Portal (LVP) enables users with Workforce Optimization (WFO) permission to monitor quality control, research customer complaints, and assist in agent training.


A separate subsection or window in the Monitor dashboard of the LVP. Widgets can be displayed or hidden for different levels of view (enterprise, call/contact center, or service) through the GUI Settings. You can customize some widgets to display specified data in a specific order.

Whisper ServiceAlso called Right Party Connect (RPC), this automated service places outbound calls which, if answered, play a pre-recorded message to the customer. The customer presses a key to indicate that they are the correct person (the Right Party) the campaign is trying to reach, and then the call is routed to an agent. If customers indicate that this campaign has reached the Wrong Party, the call could be disconnected or routed to an agent for clarification.
Workforce Management (WFM)Software that ensures that a company has the right agents with the right skills available at the right time. WFM helps businesses plan and manage the performance of inbound, outbound, and blended staffing resources across all channels. WFM is part of the LiveVox Workforce Optimization (WFO) solution.
Workforce Optimization (WFO)A program suite that integrates contact center technologies to promote operational efficiency and achieve compliance goals. The LiveVox WFO suite provides quality management features for analyzing and scoring agent-customer interactions, monitoring interaction quality, researching customer complaints, scheduling, and tracking tasks, and assisting in agent training.
Work queueA list of all the work items assigned to a manager or an agent.
Workflow taskAn action item to be completed by an agent.
Wrap UpThe time an agent spends after a customer interaction ends to complete their notes, schedule tasks or callbacks, and disposition the interaction.