Upon clicking into any of the Analytics Reports, you can access the Saved Reports and Schedule Reports tabs to view and schedule reports.
The Schedule Reports tab is only available to Sysadmins and Superusers. |
For scheduling reports:
- There is no particular naming syntax for "Generated Report Name". You can make it slightly descriptive like "Weekly For Barbados ", or "MTD For Barbados"
- The entry is limited to 100 characters
- The pattern $startDate, $endDate in the name, gets replaced by actual dates for the report.
- If Weekly option is chosen, the report is going to be generated for the previous week from Monday to Saturday and start/end date will be automatically populated.
- If MTD option is chosen, the report is going to be generated from the 1st of the month to the current date and dates will be automatically populated.
Scheduled reports will run on Sundays starting at 8am for MTD and last week results. |

Only 10 jobs per report are supported. When the amount of allowed jobs is exceeded, you will receive an "Exceeded maximum allowed jobs for this client" error. |
Scheduled jobs can be deleted and replaced by new jobs. |