Allows you to download or playback group voicemails based on configurable optional User powers. However, personal voicemails are not available to play or download. 

  • The Voicemail Recording Report is available when you are using Voicemail 2.0.
  • This report is generated with a start and end time frame no greater than 90 days. 

Search Criteria

To access the Voice Recording Report, navigate to Review > Voice Recording Report.

Generate Report and Results

Report columns and sequence can be easily modified to provide you with a report view that is important to your business operation.

Column Customization

To customize columns:

  1. Click the cog icon in the upper right of the Results panel. You are presented with the Customize Column window.

  2. Place a checkmark to the right of the field you want to be displayed and unchecked for those to be hidden. See below the Generate Report section for more information on available fields in the report.
  3. Re-sequence the displayed fields by selecting a column and moving it up or down using the appropriate button.
  4. Click OK to update the view.

Generate Report

After the selection of your search parameters, you can generate the report by clicking on the Generate Report button located to the bottom of the search criteria.

The following optional fields are available as report columns:

The naming format of downloaded recording audio file is <date>_<phone number>.mp3. For Example, 05_13_2020_2_31_36_AM_6503517485.mp3

Additional Buttons