This report may only be generated with a start and end time frame no greater than 3 days.  Data can be generated from up to 180 days back. The report can be exported via PDF, CSV and Excel.

Service: Service Name on which the call was transferred.

Campaign: Name of the campaign the call transfer is associated to.

Name: First and Last Name of customer.

Account: Account number associated to the call transfer.

Original Account Number: An alternate account number that is different from the unique account identifier within the LiveVox client's CRM platform.

Phone: Phone number used to transfer the call.

Session: A session number associated to the call transfer.

Date: Date of the call.

Call Start Time: The time at which the call was initially dialed in Hours: Minutes: Seconds.

Call End Time: The time at which the call was terminated in Hours: Minutes: Seconds.

Source Agent: The agent which initiated the transfer.

Agent Team: The agent team associated to the source agent.

Caller ID: The caller ID associated to the call transfer.

Transfer Start Time: The time at which the call was initially transferred in Hours: Minutes: Seconds.

Transfer End Time: The time at which the call transfer was terminated in Hours: Minutes: Seconds.

Transfer Duration: The total time of the call transfer duration (Transfer End Time - Transfer Start Time)

Time in Queue: The total time the call remained in queue to be transferred.

Transfer Type: The type of transfer associated to the call transfer (Manual, Agent to Agent, Phonebook).

Transfer Status: The outcome of a transfer.

Transfer Target: The call transfer end party (10 digit number if Manual, receiving agent logon ID if Agent to Agent, Phonebook Entry Name if Phonebook).

Outcome: The LiveVox result code assigned to the call.

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