Navigate to the Agent Queue page by selecting Monitor > Agents from the Navigation Panel.  The scope of the Agent Queue Page is modified when you select enterprise, call center or service level from the navigation panel. For example, if you are at the enterprise view you will see the enterprise Agent Queue Page. The call center campaign view is a call center Agent Queue Page. The service campaign view is a service Agent Queue Page. Additionally, the scope is defined by the access assigned to your user account.

Depending on the number of call centers and services in the call center, you can view the Monitor and Agents panel in graphical or tabular view. To know more about Graphical view and tabular view, see Viewing Call Centers and Services page.

In the below example, the Agent Queue page is selected to display at the service level.

The Agent Queue Page displays the following panels:

You are able to open multiple instances of the Agent Queue page within the same browser (different browser tabs).