Navigate to the CID Package by selecting Configure > Dialing Config > CID Package from the Navigation Panel.

The CID Package main screen offers the following tabs and buttons:
- Tabs
- General - Displays a list of Caller ID numbers for the selected package. See Inspecting packages section for detailed information on how to inspect CID packages.
- Change History - Tracks and displays the changes made to the CID package.
- Map - Displays a map with the states and color code which depends on the amount of Caller ID numbers available. See Inspecting CID Map section for information on viewing CID packages for states.
- Service Mapping - Displays which outbound services the CID packages are assigned to. See Services with CID Packages section for detailed information services assigned to the selected CID pacakge.
- Buttons
- Export – Exports CID package numbers. The DIDs and details will be exported in a CSV file.
- Cancel – Disabled.