Dialing strategies allow you to define the order in which phone numbers are dialed within a campaign file. You can use one of the standard strategies that are pre-built on the LiveVox Portal (LVP), or you can create a new dialing strategy. By default, the dialing strategy selected for campaigns is the Standard dialing strategy and is defined as dialing each phone sequentially each phone (Phone 1, Phone 2, Phone 3, and so on).
A contact strategy defines which telephone numbers to contact from a customer record, and whether to dial additional numbers if a contact attempt fails. Only users with suitable permissions can view or modify a contact strategy:
• To access the content strategies, go Voice and then click the Contact tab.
• Access your contact strategies on the Configure tab under Voice.
• Every type of Voice and SMS campaign must use a Dial Strategy. (Currently, Email campaigns do not require a dial strategy.)
To successfully create or edit dial strategies, you must know how phone numbers are mapped on your system. For example, Phone 1 might be the mobile phone number, Phone 2 might be the landline, and Phone 3 might be the Place of Employment (PoE). |
The following items are reviewed in this section: