To edit an existing Strategy:

The General tab displays the phone sequence for the selected Strategy. You can change the priority of each phone using the Move Up/ Move Down buttons.
The selected Strategy can be applied to specific call centers or services. To select these:

 Additional notes on assigning strategies:

  • SysAdmins and Superusers are able to view and modify all Strategies. If managers have been given access to the Strategies section, they can view and adjust their services' associated strategies and strategies with zero services assigned.
  • A copied Strategy inherits the service assignment from the original Strategy.
  • A new service is associated with the same Strategies as the cloned service.
  • When assigning campaign characteristics, you are not able to select a Strategy until the service selection is made. After selecting the service, you will only see Strategies associated with/assigned to the selected service.
  • If service selection is subsequently changed, Strategy selection is re-evaluated. If the new service is not associated with the existing Strategy selection, you will be notified that the Strategy has been reset.
  • If a service is selected that is associated with zero Strategies, you are notified that there are no Strategies defined for the selected service.

A list of possible outcomes for the specific Strategy is displayed in the Outcomes tab. This section displays each Outcome category and the associated results in columns. You can select the following options for each result by clicking on the specific column.

Each unique Strategy can be used for the initial pass on a file. Only strategies with at least one selected requeue result can be used on the subsequent requeue files that are generated.  For a multipurpose Strategy (both original and requeue) you may select the appropriate phone fields and arrange them into the order they should be dialed. A multipurpose Strategy should also have the appropriate call Outcomes that will be redialed on any subsequent pass.  The selected requeue outcomes will only apply to a requeue pass and will not affect the initial pass of a dialing campaign.

The length of the dialing sequence can be configured to allow for up to 30 phones.