To create a new dialing strategy:

  1. On the Configure tab, click Voice > Strategy.
  2. In the Strategy editor, click Add Strategy.
    The Strategy window reloads with the Strategy type New and a blank Name field.
  3. Enter a name for the new strategy in the Name field.

    Use only alphanumeric characters in the new strategy name. Symbols such as apostrophes and underscores are not allowed.

  4. In the sequence menu, click Add. This allows you to add up to 30 phone numbers to the dialing sequence.
  5. Click Save to save your new Strategy.

You can now modify the new Strategy for each specific outcome. For more information, see Editing Strategies.

To copy an existing strategy:

  1. In the Strategy editor, hover the mouse pointer over the strategy that you want to copy. The Copy icon appears.
  2. Click the Copy icon.
    The Copy Strategy window appears.
  3. Enter the name of the new strategy and click Copy.
    The new strategy appears in the Strategy editor.