To create a strategy:

  1.  Click the Add button present in the lower-right corner. You can also create a strategy by clicking the Copy icon ()and copying an existing strategy. Hover on the existing strategy row to view the Copy icon.
  2. In the General tab, specify a Name for the strategy.

    Use only alpha-numeric characters in the new strategy name. Symbols, such as apostrophes and underscores are not allowed.

  3. Click the Add button. The Add Phone window appears.
  4. Select the required phone number and click OK.
  5. Use the arrow keys on the right to re-arrange the order of the selected phone numbers.
  6. In the Outcome tab, you can specify the following fields:

    The dialing behavior of a strategy is set based on individual outcomes that a contact attempt might receive. This editor allows different views/organization of the outcomes and defines how the system should behave for the account.

    There are three filters you can select using the Filter By option:

    • Outcome Strategy: Only outcomes set to Dial Another Number, Try Another Round of Dialing, or Requeue appear in this view.
    • All Requeueable Results: The previously default LiveVox strategy view of all commonly used outcomes.
    • All LiveVox Results: Every possible agent or system-assigned outcome.

    The following fields are displayed for each strategy. 

    Select a strategy and double-click to make any changes to the Minutes Between Rounds, Max Rounds, Dial Another Number, and Requeue From Prior Campaign fields.

  7. Click Save.
  8. In the Assign Call Center/Service tab, select a call center or individual services using the check box.

  9. Click Save.

    Controlling which services can apply to a strategy simplifies the campaign assignment, and helps with compliance. You can restrict access to a strategy by navigating to Configure > Service > Client > Settings.

    You can modify the new strategy to take the appropriate actions for each specific outcome. For more information see Editing Strategies.